13 treatment benefits and medicinal use of cumin, the oldest Egyptian herbs
Cumin has a special place in the world for the rest of the other spices where cumin seeds have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of many diseases and health disorders, as it is also widely used in cooking in some Asian, African and Latin American countries as a food. The origin of cumin is due to Egypt, where Pharaohs used it about 5,000 years ago, and not only did pharaohs use it to flavor food, they also used it to embalm kings after their death.
Cumin benefits:
1- Cumin works to increase the body temperature, and thus it increases the body's metabolic rate, and when the metabolic rate is more efficient it will help to lose weight and slim it down as this works to prevent the storage of body fat, and thus leads to body slimming.
2- Cumin works to burn fats at a rapid rate, especially those that are deposited on the rumen, as it works to improve the body's ability to burn fats by 25%, because it improves digestion, and protects the body from diseases.
3- Cumin tea promotes coughing and spitting. This is because it helps in losing phlegm from the throat and lungs. It also eliminates sore throats by adding a little ginger to cumin tea.
4- Cumin provides a great help in treating anemia.
5- Cumin works as a stimulating agent, it relieves fatigue and exhaustion. It provides relief from flatulence, nausea, diarrhea and morning sickness, indigestion. One of the main health benefits of cumin tea is the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders
6- You can use cumin as a mouthwash. By chewing roasted cumin seeds or drinking it like tea, it reduces excessive salivation and heals mouth sores. - Cumin seeds or cumin tea have anti-cancer properties. Thus, it helps prevent various types of cancer.
7- Vitamin E is available in cumin in large proportions, and it is known that vitamin E works to preserve the freshness of the skin and keep its youth.
8- Cumin oil is considered an antiseptic and antibacterial, which leads to preventing any bacterial or fungal infection of the skin. It protects the skin from problems such as psoriasis, eczema and dry skin. Cumin can also be used locally to get rid of the effects of burns and wrinkles.
9- Cumin is useful for pregnant women because it contains folk acid and potassium, which is very important for pregnant women in the first months.
10- Black cumin seeds work to treat asthma, high blood pressure and bronchitis.
11- Cumin works to stimulate the secretion of stomach acid and contributes to the production of gastric juice, and besides this is a good antiseptic. The liver helps break down fats and keep them free from toxins.
12- Cumin works to get rid of insomnia, besides it also acts as a stimulant and a nerve relaxer at the same time.
13- Cumin works to treat the problem of stomach gases in infants by boiling a few seeds of cumin for five minutes, and cooling the drink to an appropriate temperature, before feeding the infant