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Do you know what are the complications of dialysis for a patient with kidney failure ???

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Do you know what are the complications of dialysis for a patient with kidney failure ???

Do you know what are the complications of dialysis for a patient with kidney failure ???

Kidney Failure, Kidneys, Kidney Functions, Blood in Urine, Kidney Disease, Bad Breath, Kidney Disorder, Liver Enzymes, Kidney Abscesses, Treatment of High Herbal Kidney Function, Detoxification, Dialysis, Unhealthy Habits, Kidney Treatment, Kidney disease, kidney symptoms

Many patients with kidney failure are looking for an effective treatment method to get rid of dialysis. Because dialysis is an alternative method and although it improves some of the symptoms as it leads to many complications, it may affect daily life. So, what are the complications of dialysis for a patient with kidney failure?
The patient with kidney failure suffers from many complications during dialysis or after dialysis.
1, the defect.
If the patient suffers from high creatine and high urea, the imbalance will clearly appear. Because it is not possible to distribute urea and creatine between blood and brain evenly, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, etc. appear.
2, hypotension.

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