The most important tips and advice to consider when donating blood

A person has known since ancient times the importance of blood for life .. and that if he lost a lot of it, he would have endangered his life, what should he do about a child undergoing surgery and in need of blood transfusion? How does he feel if he sees a girl at the age of flowers suffering from leukemia? Or an elderly old man being treated for severe burns and in need of blood transfusion ?! It is true that the methods of treatment are constantly evolving and many operations are performed daily and require a blood transfusion for the patient .. But to save someone’s life by donating blood is another thing that has a pause .. a pause through which we understand the importance of human donation of his blood in terms of health and physical.
What are the main features of red blood cells?
One of the scientists succeeded in dividing people into four groups:
The first group has red cells, which contain Article A, these people carry blood type A.
The second group is characterized by its red cells that contain Article B and they are the people who carry blood type B.
The third group, whose red cells contain AB, are the people who carry the AB blood group.
As for the fourth group, the red cells are distinguished by not having the previous two substances, so these people have blood type O (meaning that they do not contain A and do not contain B).
And then studies have proven that these substances are nothing but carbohydrates found in the membranes of red cells, in addition to the cell membranes contain many substances that are all similar also between people, but the difference lies in the substance A and B.
How important are these factions?
The importance of these factions lies in the fact that they must be taken into consideration when conducting the blood transfusion from one person to another .. Because every body that carries a blood group has blood bodies in it that have antibodies to other species. But we find that the owner of blood type O can only give blood (red blood cells, not whole blood) to all the other factions, because their red cells do not carry the A or B antigens. This makes the anti-A or anti-B antibodies that I have The receiver does not affect these cells. If the blood group of the donor is AB, he can donate blood only to the owners of the same family. But it can receive red blood cells from all other factions, because the blood plasma does not contain anti-A or anti-B antibodies, which does not affect the red cells.

Blood groups and blood groups
Does donating blood plates detrimental to human health?
For a healthy body, there is no damage from donating blood platelets to another body because the stock of platelets in a healthy body is very large and also the body's natural ability to replace the platelets is enormous.
When does the patient need to transfer platelets?
The patient needs to transfer blood platelets to him when the number of platelets in his blood decreases to the extent that his blood platelets cannot do their job, which makes him vulnerable to bleeding inside or outside the body, which may lead to his life, and the transfer of platelets is the only hope to save his life, for example, patients cancer.
How to draw blood platelet only from the donor?
Platelets are extracted only through a device called a cell separator, where the blood is separated into its main components, which are plasma, platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells, and the platelets are collected in special bags .. As for the rest of the components are returned again to the donor.
What is meant by platelets?
Platelets are very small cells that have no color in the blood. Their function is to prevent and stop the bleeding from occurring when it occurs.
Does the process of donating blood platelets sometimes transfer diseases from the donor to the donor?
Transmission of diseases from the donor to the donor cannot occur because the donor is taking a blood sample from the vein to ensure that it is free of certain diseases: hepatitis B (C and C), AIDS, syphilis, malaria and HTLV virus. This is done through the microbiological unit, which performs viral and parasitic tests on all blood samples or blood platelets to ensure that they are free of the relevant diseases we mentioned and their causes. In the case of any donor present with any of the previous diseases, the donated blood bags are isolated and the competent authorities are informed of the work Necessary regarding the injured.
Can donating blood platelets cause infection from one donor to another?
Donating blood platelets cannot lead to infection from one donor to another because the donor's blood never touches the cell separator device, but the blood remains permanently confined to the plastic group installed on the device and this group is used once per donor.

How is the screening and matching factions Platelet?
This is done through the laboratory, which in turn checks for blood platelets and their blood types, and searches for pathogens resulting from them. The laboratory also performs the following diagnostic services:
Tests necessary to screen for the HPA-1a Negative blood platelet.
Definition of antibodies to platelet families (HPA - Antibodies).
Tests needed to detect white blood cells (HLA - Antibodies) antibodies.
Definition of autoantibodies to blood types.
Definition of antibody to factor IV platelet count (PF4).
In addition to the laboratory's diagnostic services, the laboratory checks donors, including blood donors and platelets, to find a base for the family of platelets (HPA-1a Neg), in order to provide blood and its derivatives for premature infants with severe platelets decline. Platelets for transfer to embryos inside the womb.
Are there conditions that must be met in the donor for blood platelets?
Yes, there are conditions that must be met in the donor in order for him to be accepted so that he is at least 18 years old and no more than 60 years old, and that he holds a civil card