Treatment of chronic sputum and the causes of infection

Sputum is the mucous substance that comes out of the respiratory system when coughing, and is yellow or yellowish green in color, and settles in the throat area, after its exit from the lungs or from the bronchi.
The presence of phlegm is due to several reasons, such as a person having a common cold followed by the secretion of phlegm, and it can also develop after infection with bronchitis and result in increased secretion, as well as injury to the airways.
The chances of developing sputum are increased in people who smoke or who are exposed to smoke.
In the following lines, we will inform you about the causes of chronic phlegm and treatment:
Causes of chronic sputum:
1- The occurrence of inflammation in the sinus region, which results in the appearance of a viscous white sputum, which leaks into the pharynx, and consequently the bronchi is affected in the long run, and the throat is also affected.
2- Being infected with a common cold or flu.
3- Nasal obstruction caused by an allergy that causes the accumulation of nasal secretions. To treat this allergy, you should stay away from its causes, such as chocolate, milk, strawberries, and avoid inhalation of dust, smoke, and perfumes.
There are many ways to treat chronic sputum, perhaps the most prominent of which are:
1- Drink enough fluids during the day. The liquids help moisten the mucus in the throat and calm it, and expel phlegm from the body, especially warm liquids, such as soup, tea and herbal teas.
2- Gargle with water and salt: by adding half a tablespoon of salt to a cup of warm water, while keeping the head tilted back; warm water helps relieve throat and pharynx pain, and salt also helps eliminate bacteria that cause infections and sputum accumulation.
3- Drink more water: If you suffer from a chronic phlegm, you must drink a lot of water, because the secretion of a lot of phlegm means that the immune system fights a specific infection, and drinking water is necessary to help it do so.
4- Honey: Honey plays a vital role in eliminating phlegm significantly, by eating one tablespoon of it more than once a day, and you can add ginger or anise to it, to reduce phlegm.
5- Quitting smoking: smoking causes irritation to the lungs and drying of the vocal cords, which results in a lot of phlegm to help moisturize it.