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An easy way to make eggplant jam from Syrian cuisine

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An easy way to make eggplant jam from Syrian cuisine

An easy way to make eggplant jam from Syrian cuisine

# Eggplant Jam, How to Make Jam # Eggplant, Eggplant Jam Our Kitchen # Syrian, Jam, Eggplant Jam, Syrian Eggplant Jam # #Milk #Along eggplant jam, Calcium eggplant jam, Calcined pangan jam, Making eggplant jam, How to make the eggplant jam, Eggplant, How to make eggplant jam, How to make eggplant jam, How to make # jam # Eggplant, Jam #Calcus # Eggplant on the milky way

Eggplant jam is one of the types of Damascene jams famous in Syria and famous for its delicacy and presence on the Syrian breakfast table almost daily. Here is how to work the eggplant jam. Try it and share your experiences with us:


1 tablespoon of alum

2 kilograms with small fresh chicken

8 cups of sugar to make the diameter

4 cups of water to make the diameter

A teaspoon of lemon acid to make the diameter

How to prepare:

- Eggplant is washed and peeled carefully so as not to sow its seeds and pulp, and in the middle a longitudinal slit or two opposite slits are made in the head.

 On it, water is placed to immerse it dissolved in alum or clear lime, and it is left in the water with lime for about an hour, while stirring it every period.

 - Wash the eggplant, then put it in a saucepan, boil a little, then cool down and squeeze each grain Bettani and calm.

 - The ingredients of the diameter are placed on the fire until it is held, add the eggplant to it and remove its foam and leave it on a very quiet fire until it becomes golden in color, add lemon acid to it to boil with it, then put out the fire on it and leave it to cool and fill it in a dry jar.

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