Eye of the camel (walnut) 15 health and aesthetic benefits for men, women and children

Walnut is a wonderful food, especially because it contains a bundle of excellent fats, compounds and wonderful plant elements necessary for the body, which fights inflammation, and this all contributes to health and wellness and expels the specter of chronic diseases, and it is advised to abandon appetizers and sweets, reduce carbohydrates and saturated fats, and replace them with something Nafi 'you love is the camel's eye (the walnut) and is considered the best choice ... for better health.
A walnut or a camel is known as it is called in some countries, including Egypt since eternity, and it is said that its original place is the continent of Asia. The Arabs mentioned it in their books as well as their doctors who described it by saying about it: it is difficult to digest, is poor for the stomach, and that mixing it with honey is beneficial for the cold stomach, and that wet from it is better for treating melasma and facial cramping, and that a lot of it causes blisters in the mouth.
A walnut is a rough rounded seed surrounded by a thick, inedible crust, beneath which there is a fruit whose surface resembles the appearance of the brain, which made people think that it contributes to increasing intelligence, but no study has been able to prove this thing.
According to the USDA Nutrition Database, a single cup of 30 grams of nuts contains a high nutritional value, including:
200 calories.
One gram of sugar.
Two grams of fiber.
5 grams of protein materials.
20 grams of fat.
20 milligrams of calcium.
0.72 milligrams of iron.
Zero sodium.
In addition, nuts are a source of copper, phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B6 and iron. It is also rich in proteins and good fats, such as mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 acids.
* Health benefits of the eye of the camel
It provides a package of nutrients, foremost among which are healthy fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which work, individually or in combination, to promote the health of the body:
1. The benefits of a camel's eye for a man:
According to a study supervised by researchers in Spain, a group of men included half of them eating a daily meal that included 60 grams of almonds, nuts, and hazelnuts, while the other half did not eat nuts at all, and after 14 weeks, it was noted that those who consumed nuts had a clear improvement in the number, shape and movement Sperm compared to men who did not take nuts.
On the other hand, in addition to improving the sperm picture indicated above, the researchers found that men who consumed nuts had sperm with less fragmented DNA, and as a matter of knowledge, sperms with higher fragmented DNA are associated with higher rates of sterility in males However, further studies are needed to confirm these benefits referred to above.
2. Benefits of Ain El-Gamal for women:
A recent study published in the Journal of Aging Research revealed that eating a handful of nuts per week extends the life of the woman and gives her better health, and the study's supervisors found that women in the late fifties and early sixties who ate two portions of nuts at least daily, were more healthy in terms of physical Mentalism, commenting on the findings, said Harvard professor Francine Groststein: 'There is not a single solution to slowing aging, but adopting habits such as eating snacks of nuts can help.'
As for women with PCOS, they do well if they put the nuts on their dietary menu. A study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that giving women with PCOS a nut or almond for 6 weeks led to increased sensitivity
For insulin, it led to a decrease in the cumulative glucose level, and an increase in the level of sexual hormones linked to globin, which has a positive effect on ovarian health.
As for breast cancer, researchers from the American University of Marshall, led by Dr. Ellen Hardman, have found that eating a little nuts a day may slow the growth and development of breast cancer, reduce the risk of developing it and recur it, and Dr. Hardman confirmed that eating 57 grams Daily for two weeks, it led to a change in gene expression, to the start of programmed death of cancer cells, and to the disruption of signaling pathways that enhance the migration of malignant tumor cells in the body, and accordingly, Hardman recommends the importance of including nuts to be part of a healthy diet because it will contribute to reducing the risks Exposure to breast cancer in future generations.
3- Benefits of Ain El-Gamal for Pregnant Women
In the nut there is a concentrated amount of fatty acids and plant elements that can be beneficial for her and her fetus, and an analytical study, the first of its kind, conducted by a team of researchers from the Barcelona Institute of Global Health, revealed that the mother’s eating of nuts in the first trimester of pregnancy may enhance the intelligence of Child.
4- The benefits of eye camel for hair:
It contains important elements of the hair, the most important of which is vitamin biotin (B7), which helps to strengthen the hair, reduce its hair loss and improve its growth. It also contains omega-3 acids, omega-6 acids and omega-9 acids, which enhance the health of hair, prevent hair loss, preserve its color and reduce the negative effects associated with natural aging.
5- Eye of the camel may protect against heart disease:
In the nut there is an intense charge of antioxidants that contribute to protecting the heart by destroying the chemical free radicals that hurt all parts of the body especially for the heart, and also, it contributes to protecting the heart because it is rich in single and many unsaturated fatty acids that reduce the level of harmful cholesterol that is considered the enemy The arch-blood vessels, a study previously published in the British Journal of Nutrition, showed that the risk of coronary heart disease decreased by 37% among those who consumed nuts 4 times a week. Eating 1.5 ounces per day of nuts as part of a diet poor in saturated fats and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.
6- The camel's eye may help with weight management:
Consumption of nuts, as part of a routine diet, is associated with weight loss despite its caloric richness, and several studies, funded by the American Camel Council, have shown that the latter can help reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Numerous studies have suggested that consuming it regularly is not likely to cause weight gain or obesity, and is characterized by its richness in fibers that stimulate the satiety factor, whose presence is important in any successful weight loss plan. Hence, the presence of appropriate food must be taken into account in any program aimed at managing weight.
7-Eye of the camel may improve brain health:
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that older people who consume nuts regularly enjoy better brain functions including processing speed, mental flexibility and better memory. There is no doubt that the results are encouraging, but there is a need to do more investigations on humans to draw firm conclusions.
8- The camel's eye may reduce inflammation:
The camel's eye contains phytochemical compounds and phytonutrients such as polyphenols, omega-3, the amino acid arginine, and the mineral magnesium, all of which have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
9-Eye of the camel may help in managing type 2 diabetes:
Observational studies indicate a link between nut consumption and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes through several mechanisms, the most prominent of which is weight control and blood sugar control.
10- Eye of the camel may help lower blood pressure:
And some studies report that eating one ounce of nuts a day, including nuts, as part of a heart-healthy diet may help lower blood pressure and improve the image of its numbers.
11- Eye of the camel may reduce the risk of some types of cancer:
Studies in the test tube, and in animals and humans, have pointed out that eating nuts may reduce the risks of exposure to some types of cancer, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. Scientists have attributed this effect to polyphenols that are abundant in the nut. , More research is urgently needed to confirm the above.
12- The camel's eye may enhance bowel health:
Beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine contribute to promoting the health of the digestive system and the health of the body in general, and studies show that the higher the number of beneficial germs, the better the intestinal health and the health of the body.
Consumption of nuts can be a successful way to enhance the presence of germs beneficial to the stomach, and thus support intestinal and body health. This was confirmed by a study that included 194 healthy adults who took 1.5 ounces of nuts for a period of 8 weeks, they have recorded an increase in beneficial germs in this period Compared to a similar period during which they did not take nuts.
13- Eye of the camel reduces the need to eradicate gallstones:
According to a study published in the American Clinical Nutrition Journal, consuming nuts reduces the resort to surgery to remove the gallbladder to get rid of the problems they are exposed to, especially stones. In a study of more than a million people over 20 years, it was found that women who consumed more than 5 ounces Of nuts per week, less gallbladder removal was needed compared to others who took less than one ounce of walnuts per week.
14 Eye of the camel may enhance bone health:
Nuts are a good source of copper, the deficiency of which causes the bone density to deteriorate, thus increasing the risk of exposure to osteoporosis that makes the fragile bones thin and easily broken.
Copper plays an important role in maintaining the level of collagen and elastin, which are very important for tissue and bone structure. It also contains two important elements are manganese and magnesium, the first prevents osteoporosis in cooperation with the mineral and calcium and copper, while the second is involved in the formation of bones because it helps absorb calcium, the main element in the mineral wealth of the bones, and it may occur in some people's mind to take food supplements containing copper Manganese and magnesium, however, it is preferred to obtain these minerals from food in order to avoid potential hazards.
15. Eye camel may protect against epileptic seizures:
Experiments in mice have proven that manganese deficiency makes them more vulnerable to epileptic seizures, as it was found that people who complain of disease (epilepsy) have low levels of manganese in the blood compared to those who do not complain of it, however there is no evidence to prove that manganese deficiency causes epilepsy , More research is needed to find out if supplements are beneficial for people with epilepsy.
Finally: the dangers of eating walnut (walnut) frequently:
Consuming a handful of nuts is generally safe, but you must be careful not to overdo it as it may cause problems:
1- It may cause an increase in weight for its caloric richness.
2- Digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence; Especially in those who have irritable bowel syndrome.
3- The occurrence of allergic episodes for those who suffer from an allergic ground.
4- As for children, care should be taken, not to leave nuts to children because of the risk of suffocation, while teaching the child the necessity of chewing well.
5- Nuts contain a high amount of fats, which makes them susceptible to rancidity and damage, which makes them unpalatable and insecure. Nuts can be stored in the refrigerator at an appropriate temperature, allowing to be stored for more than a year. If you want to store it in an ambient temperature, it is advised to freeze it first At zero degrees Fahrenheit for at least 48 hours to kill all possible pests.