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Health benefits when pregnant women eat popcorn and how to prepare it at home in a healthy way !!

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Health benefits when pregnant women eat popcorn and how to prepare it at home in a healthy way !!

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We have to realize that the pregnancy period brings many changes to the woman, including what is related to her nutrition, in addition to her need to eat everything that is useful and healthy with an increase in the number of calories, there is a change in the taste and what she craves, as some pregnant women may eat salty or sweet foods or try Some unfamiliar food.

The appetite may increase very much for some of them .. So they eat a lot of a certain food. But in all cases, the pregnant woman needs to know whether what she is eating is harmful to her or her fetus, or not. On the question of the benefits of eating popcorn for a pregnant woman, given the many questions received about what are the benefits of eating popcorn for a pregnant woman? Or is pregnant women eating too much popcorn harmful? In our article, we will answer these questions.

First: the nutritional value of popcorn:

It is important to emphasize that we are talking about homemade popcorn, not microwave popcorn (the name microwave popcorn is given to the types sold in stores and movie theaters, which contain food additives in addition to salt or sugar and fat).

1. The advantage of whole grains

Popcorn is made from 100% natural whole grains. As a whole grain, it contains fiber that helps improve digestion. The high fiber content also maintains regular bowel movements in the body and prevents constipation, especially during pregnancy.

A diet rich in fiber is also known to remove excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels in the body, thus protecting us from heart attacks or other serious diseases.

The fiber in popcorn also slows down the metabolism of carbohydrates and their conversion into sugar, thus reducing the insulin response. Popcorn is a healthy snack for diabetics, so it may be a good choice for pregnant women with diabetes.

2. A good amount of antioxidants

Popcorn contains a large amount of antioxidants, and antioxidants kill free radicals in our bodies, which can lead to serious diseases such as cancer, and the presence of free radicals in the body is also attributed to many other problems as well, such as aging, wrinkle formation, Alzheimer's disease, hair loss and other problems. And one of those antigens found in popcorn is polyphenols.
3. Its caloric content

Popcorn can help you lose weight because it is low in calories, and it is definitely a better option than potato chips. It is also naturally free of fat and sugar, so you won't feel guilty after eating it. On top of that, popcorn can make you feel full so you don't even need much, and overeating can be avoided. But make sure you don't rely on these butter or chocolate popcorn - these will definitely have the opposite effect!
4. Popcorn is gluten-free

Popcorn is gluten-free, and you can use it in place of breadcrumbs in any recipe to make it healthier. But remember to stay away from unwanted additions.
5. Its content of vitamins and minerals

Popcorn contains zinc and selenium, and selenium has been linked to reducing the risk of preterm labor. It also contains the B complex group of vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and manganese.
Other benefits of popcorn:

After all the nutritional values ​​we have mentioned for popcorn, it turns out that it is a good option for pregnant women, as it is:
A snack packed with fiber that helps prevent pregnancy constipation.
Helps a pregnant woman feel full without gaining weight if consumed without excessive.
A good meal for diabetic patients.
- It is especially friendly to the body and skin due to its antioxidant content.

How do pregnant women get useful popcorn?

Despite all the healthy qualities of popcorn, the way it is prepared can greatly affect its nutritional quality. When you prepare popcorn by popping it on a low heat or by making a ready-made popcorn machine or in the microwave, the nutritional values ​​are good and beneficial, but some ready-made types are extremely high in calories.

For example, a report by the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that a medium-sized cup of popcorn at the popular movie theater chain contains 1,200 calories!

Also, the items that are bought from movie theaters or stores are often full of unhealthy fats, artificial flavors, and high amounts of sugar and salt. Not only do these ingredients add up to a large amount of calories, but some of them can be harmful to you in other ways.

Home-made popcorn:

1- Half a cup of popcorn beans with three medium spoons of olive oil, coconut oil, or any other healthy oil, and half a teaspoon of salt. We put a pot on low heat, then put the oil and popcorn kernels and cover the pot tightly, and watch the popcorn kernels until they pop completely, then add the salt.

2- Popcorn kernels with a little salt can be placed on cooking paper and wrapped tightly, then inserted into the microwave and run for a few minutes or set on the popcorn button if it is available.

3- You can still add a little butter or beneficial spices like turmeric to popcorn or even cover it with honey to double the benefits.

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