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9 foods that help build muscles and enlarge them for men

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9 foods that help build muscles and enlarge them for men


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Many men who practice sports are constantly searching and want to build muscles on healthy, useful and nutritious foods that benefit in building healthy muscles, so today we offer you a range of foods rich in protein and healthy and useful in building muscles and help in increasing muscle mass and enlargement, and other benefits The task. The foods are as follows:

1- Chicken:

Lean proteins help you stay longer without hunger, play an important role in maintaining and building muscle, and that's exactly what you'd get from some chicken.

2 - tuna:

In addition to being a great source of protein, they also contain vitamin D and omega-3s, and vitamin D levels have been linked to a reduced risk of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer.


One large egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and packed with a number of essential nutrients, plus it is rich in B vitamins and magnesium that support muscle function and help build tissues and bones.

4- Yogurt:

Yogurt contains protein, plus it is rich in probiotic bacteria that support digestion and heart health.

5- Beef:

When it comes to the best red meat, beef has been shown to be low in saturated fat and contain omega-3 fats to reduce inflammation.

And because it contains creatine, grass-fed beef can increase muscle mass, is also a rich source of iron, zinc and selenium, and can help reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia, infertility, and prostate cancer.

6- Black beans:

Beans can reduce your total intake of saturated fats and support heart and liver health, and since they are high in fiber, they can help us feel full.

7- wild salmon:

Although wild salmon tends to be more expensive than farmed salmon, it is usually higher in protein, so eating it can keep you feeling full for a longer time, as it is higher in potassium, zinc, iron and lycopene, which is an antagonist. Antioxidant is especially important for men's health, as it may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

8- Cottage cheese:

Cottage cheese is full of protein and other essential nutrients that can improve men's health, and just one cup of cottage cheese contains 36% of the daily value of selenium, which may support male fertility and prevent prostate cancer, and it is high in calcium, phosphorous and vitamin B12. Also, it helps to strengthen the bones.

9 - Lentils:

If you are not a meat lover, lentils are another protein option that you can add to your diet.

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