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Some remedial tips for treating sunburn in easy and proven ways

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Some remedial tips for treating sunburn in easy and proven ways

Sunburn occurs as a result of exposure to the sun for long periods, whether as a result of working in the sun for long periods, after bathing in the sea or swimming pools or after sunbathing, and these burns may be painful, but they can be treated with simple home remedies, and in all cases prevention is better.

Once a sunburn occurs, there is little you can do to reduce skin damage, but the following tips may reduce your pain and discomfort:

1- Take pain relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can help control the pain until the redness and inflammation subsides.

2- If blisters form, do not pop them

This is because they contain natural body fluids (serum) and are considered a protective layer, and popping pimples slows down healing and increases the risk of infection, and you can cover the blisters gently with gauze if needed.

If the blisters pop, clean the area gently with mild soap and water and apply an anti-bacterial cream to the area, then cover it with a wet pad.

3- Drink a lot of fluids, especially water

Sun exposure and heat can cause fluid loss through the skin, and drinking water helps the body recover.

4- Treat the peeling skin gently

Within a few days, the affected area begins to peel off, and this is the method used by the body to get rid of the top layer of damaged skin, and continue to use moisturizing cream while the skin is peeling.

5- Avoid exposure to the sun when sunburned

Stay out of the sun or protect yourself from its light when outdoors.

6- Avoid using cayenne products, such as benzocaine

Such creams may irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

Benzocaine has been associated with a rare and potentially fatal disease known as methemoglobinemia, as this disease reduces the amount of oxygen that the blood carries. Therefore, do not use Benzocaine in children younger than two years old without the supervision of a healthcare professional. If you are an adult, do not exceed Recommended dosage and you can consult a doctor before using it.

* Sunburn treatment for face:

Take a cold shower, keep the temperature low, and then apply a moisturizer to your face.

Apply Aloe Vera to your face.

Use an ice pack or compress.

-drink a lot of water.

Do not pop any blisters.

Protect yourself against more damage.

Try over-the-counter medications.

Treating a sunburn after swimming:

1-To treat a mild sunburn: These will usually heal in about two days, and they usually do not hurt, but do radiate some heat. Put a little aloe vera in the fridge and apply it to the affected areas, this will cool, soothe and prevent it from peeling later.

2- To treat moderate sunburn: the affected area will be red and the shower will hurt, and the cold aloe vera gel helps, and any lotion can be used with shea butter, coconut oil, vitamin E, or aloe vera, and use the lotion as much as possible to prevent peeling for a week or two at least, If it hurts, apply white vinegar to the sunburn as this will remove the pain, and it usually takes about a week or two to heal depending on your skin type.

3- To treat severe sunburn: You cannot move, because the burn hurts a lot, and irritates even your softest clothes, and unfortunately, there is not much that you can do, but aloe vera, lotion and vinegar may help, take a warm bath with oatmeal and relax as much as possible. The sheets irritate the burning sometimes, so put a little baby powder between the sheets to help you sleep, apply aloe vera and lotion frequently and continue for at least a month, and most likely it will peel off, do not try to peel any part, this is how the scars happen, and you should go to the doctor And get their recommendations and comment there.

 4- Sunburn is unavoidable for most skin types, and the best way to prevent it is to always use the appropriate sun protection factor and reapply it every hour, and if you play in water, always use sunscreen written on a waterproof / sweat proof label and read the directions Always.

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