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10 simple and effective natural ways to clean your lungs at home

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10 simple and effective natural ways to clean your lungs at home

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Today, in light of the Corona pandemic that the whole world is exposed to, everyone tries to avoid exposure to any pollutants in the air, whatever they are. And as the World Health Organization statistics indicate that exposure to air pollution causes 4.2 million deaths annually around the world, so it is recommended to clean the lungs to rid them of pollutants, irritants and excess mucus, which helps reduce congestion, open the airways, reduce inflammation, and help the lungs. Because cigarette smoke, car exhaust, polluted air, chemical compounds, etc., which leads to congestion, inflammation, or mucus accumulation in the lungs, which results in damage to the lungs, and causes many health problems in the respiratory system, and the most important of which is injury Corona virus now, which also affects other body systems.

Today, in this small article, we will offer you some simple and easy natural ways that you can do at home to keep the lungs clean.

10-Steam inhalation:

Inhalation of water vapor helps to open the respiratory tract and filter the mucus, as the steam adds warmth and moisture to the air that is inhaled, and then helps to improve breathing, and soften mucus in the airways and lungs for those who suffer from respiratory problems from the deterioration of their condition after exposure to cold air or Dry, as both dry out the mucous membranes of the airways and reduce blood flow.

9 - Intentional cough:

An intentional cough helps clear the respiratory system from the excess mucus and contaminants attached to it, and many doctors advise COPD patients to intentionally cough to clear the lungs by following the following steps:

Sit in a chair with your shoulders resting and keep both feet on the floor.

Hold your arms over your stomach, then inhale slowly through the nose.

Slowly bending forward and pushing the abdomen out with the arms.

Cough 2-3 times while exhaling with the mouth open slightly, then take a slow inhale through the nose.

Rest, then repeat again as needed.

8- Getting rid of excess mucus using the local drainage technique:

You can do practices that require specific sleeping positions to help the lungs get rid of excess mucus by using gravity, which is called local drainage. The following exercises can help improve breathing and prevent respiratory infection by getting rid of excess mucus.

1- Sleeping on the back

Sleeping on your back on the floor or bed, and placing a pillow under the waist so that the chest is lower than the hips.

Taking a slow inhale through the nose, then exhaling slowly through the mouth that takes twice as long to inhale (1: 2 breathing technique), and repeat for several minutes.

2- Sleep on the side

Lie on one side with the head resting on the arm or a pillow, and place a pillow under the waist.

Taking a slow inhale through the nose, then exhaling slowly through the mouth that takes twice as long to inhale (1: 2 breathing technique), and repeat for several minutes. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

3- Sleeping on the stomach:

Lying on the stomach on the floor with a pillow under the abdomen and holding the arms under the head, taking into account keeping the chest lower than the hips.

Taking a slow inhale through the nose, then exhaling slowly through the mouth that takes twice as long to inhale (1: 2 breathing technique), and repeat for several minutes.

7 - The technique of chest percussion:

This technique can also help in ridding the lungs of the excess mucus effectively, where the doctor or therapist places the patient on his stomach with his head down and gently squeezes his back in a certain way from top to bottom, and this technique is usually used with the aforementioned local drainage technique to obtain The best results.

6- Practice breathing exercises:

Some breathing exercises can contribute to improving the lungs ’performance of their functions, especially for those who are exposed to polluted air or suffer from some chronic respiratory diseases, as it is advised to practice the technique of breathing with bisected lips and breathing from the abdomen in particular, or to resort to the attending physician to find the best possible breathing exercises In the event of a lung disease.

5- Exercise:

Exercising, especially aerobic exercises, can improve the ability of the lungs to breathe better, as it increases the respiratory rate and the supply of oxygen to the muscles, improves blood circulation and raises the efficiency of the body in eliminating carbon dioxide, so it is recommended to regularly practice walking, running and cycling exercises, as well as exercising Other sports that you play. However, it is appropriate for people with chronic lung diseases not to practice any of these exercises before consulting a physician to determine the appropriate exercise program.

4- Eat foods rich in antioxidants and inflammation:

Consuming foods and drinks rich in antioxidants and inflammation can help protect the lungs from pollutants and raise their immunity. Therefore, it is advised to eat vegetables and fruits that contain a large percentage of antioxidant and inflammatory compounds, such as green leafy vegetables and berries of various kinds, and drinking green tea can reduce inflammation in the lungs because it contains many antioxidant compounds and also eat cinnamon according to the latest studies carried out by nutrition experts on Foods that benefit the lung in avoiding the Corona virus.

3- Use an air purifier:

 The use of this device improves the quality of the air inside the home, which helps to keep the lungs clean and improves the condition of the respiratory system because the air purifier removes the air from impurities and pollutants and controls its temperature and humidity.

2- Disposal of industrial air fresheners:

All industrial air fresheners, including sprays, scented candles and aromas, contain chemical compounds that are polluting and harmful to the lungs, so in order to clean the lungs, it is advised not to use these preparations and rely on naturally scenting the air if possible.

1- Stay away from cigarette smoke:

This may sound very obvious, as smoking of all kinds is very dangerous to the respiratory system, especially the lungs, so smokers should quit smoking to clean their lungs, and for non-smokers it is worth paying attention to avoid secondhand smoke by staying away from cigarette smoke to protect their lungs.

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