Many wives suffer in the beginning of their married life, and this is for many reasons, the most important of which is how the wife satisfies her husband or how to provide her husband with comfort at home. .

1 - You have to take care of your husband about his clothes and cleanliness, and you must also understand his psyche and temperament and go along with things, so if he is angry, do not increase the talk and requests.
2- Do not compare your lifestyle to other people, take pleasure in what you have, and try to develop your life for the better, not by imitation.
3- Do not make him feel that you do not need him even if you are not satisfied with him, so that he does not abandon you.
4- Do not underestimate its value in front of people, because dealing at home differs from outside the home, so your love will last forever.
5- Do not spread the secrets of your life to people, your family, or your female friends. The man, by the nature of his life, is secretive and does not like to talk about private matters.
6- Do not underestimate your love and affection for him, and even if you are busy or tired, there are words and actions of the man that need them.
7 - Do not take care of your children at the expense of your husband, as the husband needs constant attention, because he is jealous even of his children.
8- Do not provoke your husband, as men love control, but in your own quiet way you have to convince him of what you want, without imposing your opinion and yourself in a sharp way.