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Watercress soup with parsley

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Watercress soup with parsley


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Try the watercress soup with parsley and serve it hot on your dinner table, next to the toasted toast


Watercress: bunch

Parsley: bunch

Onions: 1 piece (chopped)

Water: 4 cups

Cooking cream: 1 cup

Garlic: 4 cloves (crushed)

Vegetable broth: 1 cube

- Salt, to taste

- Black pepper to taste

Parsley: to taste (chopped / to garnish)

How to prepare:

Wash watercress and parsley well.

Put onions in a kibbeh, add garlic, watercress and parsley, and chop well until soft.

Put the mixture in a bowl on the stove for 10 minutes.

Add the cream, and season the mixture with salt, black pepper and vegetable stock, and stir well.

Bring it to a boil and add a little weight.

Put in dishes and garnish with parsley.

Serve hot with toast.

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