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Ginger .. protects you from this disease and improves bowel health

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Ginger .. protects you from this disease and improves bowel health

Ginger .. protects you from this disease and improves bowel health

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Scientists have uncovered a type of spice that could play an important role in avoiding human bowel cancer, which is one of the most dangerous types of tumors.

A study conducted by scientists on spices and revealed that ginger, if taken by humans, may improve bowel health and reduce the chances of stomach ache, but the most important thing is that it helps you avoid killer bowel cancer.

Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, especially in the United Kingdom, according to the British newspaper 'Express', on Wednesday.

A study conducted in 2011 revealed that ginger can reduce colon infections, which afflict millions of people around the world, and is considered a nuisance for many and may develop into cancer.

Nutritionist Juliette Kilo and her colleague Sarah Brower said studies have shown that ginger 'fights nausea, stimulates bile production, and reduces stomach discomfort.'

They also confirmed that this plant 'facilitates the work of the digestive system, and also helps to break down the intestinal gas to counteract the murmur', which worries many.

Scientists stress the importance of other spices in promoting human health, because they contain anti-inflammatory drugs that can protect the human body from joint pain, and dried spices are an essential source of antioxidants.

A review of five studies found that consuming ginger reduces pain by about a third and reduces the effects of aging by 22 percent.

But it is necessary to emphasize that besides eating ginger, it is necessary to rely on a wide range of foods, including fruits and vegetables, some starchy foods, dairy products and protein.

The practice of sports is crucial to enhance the average life expectancy, as it is recommended that a person exercise for a period of not less than 150 minutes every week.

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