Learn the description of the people of Paradise from (men, women, boys and children born to Paradise)

God sends men from the people of Heaven in the image of their father Adam an inventory (without hair covering their bodies) Marda (throughout the stature of sixty cubits, i.e. about thirty-three meters) Mkhlh in the thirty-three years of age on an anointing and the image of Joseph and the heart of Job and the tongue of Muhammad, peace be upon him (meaning they speak Arabic) And God blessed them with perfection and beauty, and the youth do not die or sleep.
Women: Paradise women are of two types
Al-Hoor Al-Ain: They created creatures for the people of Paradise described by God Almighty in his dear book as:
As if they are rubies and corals (Rahman - 58)
The eyes of Hain as the parable of the hidden pearls (Al-Waqi'a - 22)
As if they are hidden eggs (As-Saffat-49)
They are beautiful, blissful women, soft and beautiful. If one of them had seen the people of the earth, the world would have lit up and what is on them, and the believers among them would be countless. He, peace and blessings be upon him, said that the cloud passes through the people of Paradise, so they ask her to rain them as vectors of dust, and they will rain them as they like from the pure horror.
Faithful women of the world that God will enter Paradise with His mercy:
These are the queens of heaven and they are the most honorable, the best, the most complete and the most beautiful of the hoor al-ayn (for their worship of God in the world) In the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for a peaceful mother, may God be pleased with her, that the preference of the women of the world over the pure hollow is as the apparent virtue of the garment over his lining. God gave them permanent and beautiful youth whom no eye had ever seen before. He, peace and blessings be upon him, said in their description that the believer looks at the brain of her leg (i.e. his wife) as one of you looks at the wire of silver in rubies (as if they are in the transparency of the jewels) on their heads with crowns and silk clothes.
The boys:
And they were created from the creation of Heaven, and they served the young Heaven. They circumambulate the people of Heaven with food and drink, and they are based on their service. They are of complete bliss to the people of Heaven.
Two immortal children prowl upon them, if you see them counted as a scattered pearl (the human being - 19)
Born in Paradise:
And if one of the people of Paradise desires the child (procreation), God gives him his mercy as he wills, and this is a mercy for the one who forbids procreation in this world and whoever forbids it if he wants.
They have whatever they want with their Lord, that is the reward for the good ones (Al-Zumar 34)
He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said (If the believer desires the boy in Heaven, then he will carry his pregnancy, his position, and his age, ie, his growth to the age that the believer desires in an hour as he desires).
Oh God, make us from the heirs of your paradise, and welcome your grace, and make us palace in your mercy, and grant us your highest paradise, tenderness than you and us, and if we are not her, then we have no work that does not reach us with this hope except your love and love of your Messenger, may God bless him
God sends men from the people of Heaven in the image of their father Adam an inventory (without hair covering their bodies) Marda (throughout the stature of sixty cubits, i.e. about thirty-three meters) Mkhlh in the thirty-three years of age on an anointing and the image of Joseph and the heart of Job and the tongue of Muhammad, peace be upon him (meaning they speak Arabic) And God blessed them with perfection and beauty, and the youth do not die or sleep.
Women: Paradise women are of two types
Al-Hoor Al-Ain: They created creatures for the people of Paradise described by God Almighty in his dear book as:
As if they are rubies and corals (Rahman - 58)
The eyes of Hain as the parable of the hidden pearls (Al-Waqi'a - 22)
As if they are hidden eggs (As-Saffat-49)
They are beautiful, blissful women, soft and beautiful. If one of them had seen the people of the earth, the world would have lit up and what is on them, and the believers among them would be countless. He, peace and blessings be upon him, said that the cloud passes through the people of Paradise, so they ask her to rain them as vectors of dust, and they will rain them as they like from the pure horror.
Faithful women of the world that God will enter Paradise with His mercy:
These are the queens of heaven and they are the most honorable, the best, the most complete and the most beautiful of the hoor al-ayn (for their worship of God in the world) In the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for a peaceful mother, may God be pleased with her, that the preference of the women of the world over the pure hollow is as the apparent virtue of the garment over his lining. God gave them permanent and beautiful youth whom no eye had ever seen before. He, peace and blessings be upon him, said in their description that the believer looks at the brain of her leg (i.e. his wife) as one of you looks at the wire of silver in rubies (as if they are in the transparency of the jewels) on their heads with crowns and silk clothes.
The boys:
And they were created from the creation of Heaven, and they served the young Heaven. They circumambulate the people of Heaven with food and drink, and they are based on their service. They are of complete bliss to the people of Heaven.
Two immortal children prowl upon them, if you see them counted as a scattered pearl (the human being - 19)
Born in Paradise:
And if one of the people of Paradise desires the child (procreation), God gives him his mercy as he wills, and this is a mercy for the one who forbids procreation in this world and whoever forbids it if he wants.
They have whatever they want with their Lord, that is the reward for the good ones (Al-Zumar 34)
He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said (If the believer desires the boy in Heaven, then he will carry his pregnancy, his position, and his age, ie, his growth to the age that the believer desires in an hour as he desires).
Oh God, make us from the heirs of your paradise, and welcome your grace, and make us palace in your mercy, and grant us your highest paradise, tenderness than you and us, and if we are not her, then we have no work that does not reach us with this hope except your love and love of your Messenger, may God bless him