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You starch diet, save you from excess weight

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You starch diet, save you from excess weight

You starch diet, save you from excess weight

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We offer you a two-week starch-based diet:

First week:

Breakfast is uniform throughout the week: consisting of skim milk + a teaspoon of honey.

Saturday and Sunday:

Lunch: any kind of salad without oil + grilled chicken + half brown toast.

Dinner: vegetable soup + two pieces of brown toast with white cheese.


Food: boiled vegetables + 2 pieces of grilled meat.

Dinner: tuna salad +2 brown toast.


Lunch: 4 tablespoons rice + boiled vegetable dish.

Dinner: two fruits of any medium size fruit.


Lunch: tuna + vegetable salad. Dinner: boiled egg + brown toast.


Lunch: 3 tablespoons of rice + green salad + vegetable dish.

Dinner: fresh fruit juice.


Lunch: grilled chicken + vegetable salad + two fruits of any fruit.

Dinner: a cup of orange juice or an orange.

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