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Discover the many benefits of avocado fruits and their harm

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Discover the many benefits of avocado fruits and their harm

Discover the many benefits of avocado fruits and their harm

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Avocado is one of the types of fruits that take the pear shape and avocado fruits are considered fruits in the first place, but their taste and uses are like vegetables, which are rich in flesh and the fruits are colored green or yellow

 Avocado contains many minerals (zinc / iron / calcium / phosphorous / magnesium / potassium) and vitamins (A / B6 / B1 / B2 / B3 / B5) and many fibers, fats and protein

Avocado benefits:

1- Avocado is rich in protein, unsaturated fats and many vitamins and minerals, which are the ideal elements for hair growth, moisturizing, making it softer and more elastic and protecting it from split ends.

2- Avocado comes in a lot in healthy skin products because it is rich in many nutrients, it is rich in vitamin A, D and E, and avocado contains potassium even more than bananas, and avocado can be used for the face, hands, lips and feet and is an ideal treatment for eczema and sagging skin associated with aging and skin Sensitive.

3- Avocado oil strengthens the skin by stimulating collagen and thus works to reduce skin wrinkles. It was also found that avocado oil is better at penetrating the skin than olive oil, almond oil and soy oil.

4- Avocado works to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood

5- Avocado works to prevent high blood pressure and stroke

6- Avocado fruits help to lose body

7- Studies have shown that the phytochemicals extracted from avocado fruits kill cancer cells, which indicates that the substances in avocado may work to prevent cancer.

8- Avocado foodstuffs work to enhance the sexual drive of people with sexual problems

9- Avocado, experts say, is one of the best foods a mother can eat during pregnancy.

10- Avocado contains lutein, which is a natural antioxidant and works to maintain eye health

Avocados damage:

1- You should keep in mind that avocado contains many calories that can increase weight due to its fatty content.

2- Avocado is one of the fruits that can cause rubber allergy to those who suffer from it.

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