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Discover the therapeutic benefits of peach fruit and its harmful effects on human health

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Discover the therapeutic benefits of peach fruit and its harmful effects on human health

Discover the therapeutic benefits of peach fruit and its harmful effects on human health

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Peach fruits are a good source of many vitamins and minerals that the body needs in building many important elements and it has a pleasant and nutritious aromatic smell, it contains 81% water, 5% sugar, citrus fruits 1%, starches 50% and cellulose 6%, and in amounts It is high in Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin B2 and a well-known plant from the family of rosacea, and it is a fiber rich food.

Benefits of peaches:

1- Peach juice helps to treat many problems of the digestive system, as it is rich in alkalis that work to relieve symptoms of stomach infections, indigestion, constipation and flatulence.

2- Peach juice also works to combat digestion problems caused by tension, headache, stress, and menopause.

3- Peach juice helps to strengthen the heart muscles and stimulate blood circulation

4- Peach is a laxative, diuretic and beneficial in treating bladder and kidney stones

5- Peach is considered an ideal food for the mother during her pregnancy, as it is rich in dietary fibers that work to protect the pregnant woman from constipation that usually accompanies pregnancy, besides it is rich in vitamin C, and it is also rich in beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A necessary for the food of the fetus.

6- Peach juice contains large amounts of iron, which prevents anemia and anemia

7- Regular eating of peaches, it works to fight obesity in addition to type 2 diabetes caused by suffering from obesity, in addition to preventing the chances of heart disease.

8- Peach juice is useful in losing weight. It consists of a high percentage of water and contains a small amount of calories

9- Eating peaches on a regular basis works to protect the skin from problems that may appear with it, such as wrinkles that appear on the face with age, as it contains a high percentage of vitamins A and C, which is a natural source of alpha hydroxy acids, which are substances that work to renew and moisturize the skin.

10- Peach is one of the most important foods for children. It is sweet in taste and rich in vitamins and minerals that are important for a child's development.

Peach damage:

 The inner peach nucleus should not be eaten or used because it contains toxic hydrocyanic, which may cause poisoning if ingested by humans.

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