European countries support the launch of smart technology to combat the spread of Corona

One of Europe's technology leaders has said that it will launch a European technology platform to support smart phone applications, which can help track people at risk of developing coronary virus (COVID-19).
German businessman (Chris Boss) told Reuters: Seven countries have either officially supported the European initiative, called (tracking privacy preservation across Europe) PEPP-PT, or mandated one of its members to develop a national application.
European experts have said they will soon be launching a smartphone technology that helps track down people who have contacted people with the virus (Covid-19), which will help health authorities act quickly to stop its spread.
The initiative includes collecting data from smartphones to find out who the person with the virus has been in close contact with, so that those at risk can be contacted.
It is believed that the ability to trace people at risk of infection more precisely could help avoid having to “close” entire societies, with the severe economic consequences that this entails.
'A lot of big countries have devoted their application teams to building on what we give them,' Boss - one of the founders of PEPP-PT and founder of Arago - said in an interview. He mentioned from those countries: Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Malta, Spain and Switzerland, adding that 40 other countries have registered and were on their way to join.
The European initiative seeks to take advantage of the successful experience in the use of smartphones in some Asian countries to track the spread of the virus and enforce quarantine orders, although these methods may violate the strict data protection rules of the European Union. The aim of the PEPP-PT initiative was to release a licensed technology platform, which will serve as the basis for contact tracking applications.
More than 200 scientists and technologists collaborate on PEPP-PT - which is designed to be the backbone of national applications that comply with the strictest privacy rules in Europe and are able to 'talk' to each other across borders. Technologists are rushing to devise digital ways to fight a disease that has infected more than two million people, of whom 150,000 have died worldwide.