Instagram promotes IGTV with new features that entice users and creators of content

The Verge quoted Instagram - owned by Facebook - as saying that it completely redesigned the home page to include the creators at the top, as content will appear for each user based on their followers, and what the application thinks may be of interest to them. The app also got a Discover tab to show off appropriate new IGTV content, as well as support for hands-free recording.
Instagram service today released a new update for the IGTV Long Video Sharing and Watching app, with features designed to encourage more people to use the app, and to encourage creators to post long videos.
Given that the IGTV app was limited before the update to showing videos from people that users follow, exploration tab is believed to be one of the most important advantages, as it contains “popular” videos on the service.
The new update also comes with an important feature for those who are more interested in the main Instagram application, which is supporting the deployment of IGTV content in stories, and instead of displaying an image of the content, 15 seconds of the video will be played, and so Instagram hopes to encourage users to continue watching in IGTV.
New updates are believed to indicate that Instagram believes users find it difficult to find videos on IGTV, which makes them focus on their main application, and neglect the other application through which they seek to compete with YouTube.
Instagram says: She believes IGTV will be the 'future of the video', so ensuring that users find content they watch, as well as encouraging creators to post more, may help her make the app a success.