The medical benefits of guava and important tips when eating it

Guava is considered the best fruit smell and has a distinct taste and texture in which most vitamins are concentrated, especially in the guava shell, and therefore it is advised not to peel and just clean them well, as it is a rich source of vitamin C and fiber and contains carotenoids and a little fat and protein 1%. Guava contains fibers and vitamin A And c, folate and minerals such as potassium, copper and manganese.
Its benefits:
1- Guava may have blood sugar control properties as it contains antioxidants, fibers and vitamins
2- Guava bark is used for tanning leather and dye materials
3- It protects the body from the risk of cancer and heart disease.
4- Guava is one of the most important fruits rich in antioxidants. It contains lycopene and has health benefits to prevent cancer.

5- Guava is protected from scurvy
6- Guava has great capabilities in improving the health of the skin. It contains astringents, especially immature guava, and the leaves are useful for moisturizing the skin.
7- Guava leaf booster is used to treat colds, resist cold symptoms in children and treat coughs
8- Also, guava leaf booster is used in treating cases of diarrhea caused by bacterial infection and lowering cholesterol in the blood and also regulating blood sugar.
9- Guava contributes to the process of slimming and losing weight because it contains fiber and vitamins that give a feeling of satiety.
10- Vitamin C, which is available in a large percentage in guava fruit, contributes to the process of accelerating wound and burn healing.
Important tips:
1 - It is advised not to eat green guava because its shell contains toxins before ripening, and at the same time not to eat it very ripe because it loses its beneficial properties, it is preferred to eat medium-ripe.
2- Pregnant doctors are advised not to take guava leaf boiled during pregnancy