9 incredible health benefits of olive oil for the human body

The benefits of olive oil for the body are known from ancient times, as it has exceptional properties, provided that it is virgin and natural one hundred percent. Olive oil is anti-pain, anti-aging, moisturizing and anti-cancer. Discover the benefits of this wonderful ingredient as follows:
1- Benefits of olive oil against cardiovascular diseases:
Several research has shown that olive oil is an anticoagulant and anti-accumulating ally; In other words, it reduces the ability of fatty foods to accumulate and close or block arteries, by avoiding excessive blood clotting. For scientists, these characteristics explain the link between the diet of the Mediterranean countries and the low incidence of cardiovascular disease in those countries, where olive oil is considered the king of the table in this diet.
2- Benefits of olive oil as a pain reliever:
Drinking olive oil to replace pain relievers is not surprising, according to an American study, which has demonstrated its anti-inflammatory properties similar to those found in ibuprofen. However, there is a downside to the amounts that must be absorbed to get the same effect as ibuprofen .. 50 grams of olive oil must be consumed to calm the equivalent of 1/10 of the pain. It is the Oleocanthal that gives the original virgin olive oil a little cayenne taste, and gives it its anti-inflammatory properties.
3- Benefits of olive oil: the elixir of youth:
Olive oil is very rich in polyphenols, and it is an antioxidant that helps the body, and in particular skin cells, to combat the effect of free radicals responsible for aging. And olive oil also contains omega-9, which stimulates the activity of body cells, and helps the body fight aging as well.
4- Benefits of olive oil as a weapon against cancer:
Thanks to polyphenols that prevent the formation of free cells, olive oil thus reduces the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Regarding the latter, a 2005 US study demonstrated that oleic acid in olive oil attacks the gene associated with the development of breast cancer.
5- Benefits of olive oil to effectively curb hunger:
Thanks to oleic acid, a teaspoon of olive oil will help fight the craving for various snacks and flavors. The olive oil compounds actually give an instant feeling of satiety.
6- Benefits of olive oil as a bad cholesterol cleaner:
Once again, oleic acid, which comes from the Omega 9 family, is a valuable ally to lower the level of bad cholesterol LDL in the blood. How is that? Like all omega-9s, it stimulates the production of good HDL cholesterol, and destroys bad cholesterol.
7- Benefits of olive oil: a strong moisturizer:
Olive oil has been used since ancient times in the manufacture of cosmetic care products, creams, soaps, milk ... and squalane, which is contained in olive oil; It is very close to the complexion of skin and hair, restores its sebaceous barrier and protects it from dehydration.
8- Benefits of olive oil: an ally of memory:
Olive oil contains 80 percent of trans fatty acids, which are also called 'good acids'. Brain cells contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids from the long chain .. Research, which is still in its infancy, indicates a positive link between eating an additional portion of fatty acids and improving brain cognitive functions.
9- Benefits of olive oil: super strength laxative:
Are you prone to episodes of occasional or frequent constipation? Olive oil will be your best ally. Eating a tablespoon when getting up in the morning on an empty stomach can stimulate the secretions of bile salts, which are naturally powerful laxatives.
• Advice: You should not excessively eat olive oil, as it contains 90 percent of fat, and therefore should be consumed in moderation. To take advantage of its properties it is preferable not to heat it; Because high temperatures change its composition.