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Couscous salad with carrots and asparagus

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Couscous salad with carrots and asparagus

Couscous salad with carrots and asparagus

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2 bags of couscous with whole wheat
2 cubes chicken stock - boiled with water
a pinch of salt

Mixed vegetables:
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons of Charmula spices
200 g small carrots (with small legs)
200 g asparagus
a pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of melted butter (optional)
1/2 cubic chicken stock (optional)

Ingredients for decorating:
100 grams fresh watercress
3 tablespoons of Romans, for decoration

How to prepare:

1- Place the couscous in a slightly flat dish, then put the chicken broth on the couscous, then stir with a little salt
2- We cover it with a rotating cover, and we leave it to increase its quantity for 10 minutes until the broth is absorbed, and the amount of couscous increases.
3- In the meantime, we heat the oil with butter in a large skillet, then add the Charmula spices and cook with stirring for one minute.
4- Then add the small carrots and cook for two minutes, then put asparagus and stir for two minutes again.
5- We stir the couscous with a fork to separate the granules from each other, then put the seasoned mixed vegetables on it
6- Put the tablespoon of melted butter, then the chicken broth cube, then cook them for 3 minutes, then season the mixture with salt and pepper, then stir these ingredients.
7- Put the couscous mixture in a dish next to the watercress, and very gently put on the surface Roman grains, serve warm with beef slices, and enjoy!

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