Food and drinks to help relieve headaches

Many of the factors that cause headaches include work and life stress, lack of sleep, fatigue and poor nutrition and many other reasons, and many of us resort to using painkillers most of the time, and in fact you do not need these medicinal painkillers as there is a group of alternative foods and drinks That helps to overcome this problem in a short period of time, follow us in this article to know more about these foods.
1- Watermelon:
In addition to its sweet and refreshing taste, watermelon contains a high percentage of minerals, most notably magnesium, which reduces headache.

2- Coffee:
Have a maximum of one or two cups of hot coffee, which helps relieve headache pain, as it contains a significant amount of caffeine.

3- Potatoes:
Potatoes contain an important percentage of potassium, which improves blood circulation activity at the level of vessels and protects the body against headaches.

4- Spices:
Do not hesitate to add spices to your various dishes, as it helps open the respiratory tract pathways and contributes to reducing nasal congestion.

5- Milk and milk products:
Studies issued by the World Health Organization have proven that calcium deficiency is one of the leading causes of headache, so it is advised to eat more dairy products such as yogurt, milk and milk that help bridge the deficiency of calcium.

6- Ginger:
Ginger is used to relieve nausea caused by some conditions, including migraines, and one study published that ginger powder in addition to prescription sumatriptan may reduce the severity and duration of migraines and reduce side effects.