Here is some rare Islamic information that many of us may not know

-What is the day in which Adam was created? Friday.
-Of the greatest children of our master Adam? Cain.
-How long is our master Adam? Sixty cubits.
-Why were you called Eve that name? Because it was created from the neighborhood of Adam.
- What was the first to give prophethood after Adam, peace be upon him? Idris, peace be upon him.
- How many years between Adam and Noah, peace be upon them? Ten centuries from the hadith of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him: “It was between Adam and Noah, ten centuries, all of them on Islam.
- Who was the first messenger sent to Earth? Our Master Noah, peace be upon him.
Who is the Sheikh of the messengers? Our Master Noah, peace be upon him.
- How many years did our master Noah invite his people to God Almighty? 950 years
Everyone on Earth belongs to the children of Noah, peace be upon him. Sam (Abu Al-Arab), Ham (Abu Al-Habash), Yafit (Abu Al-Roum).
How many prophets? 124 thousand prophets.
How many apostles? 313 messengers.
The Quran mentioned them? 25 Messenger.
-From the first line of the pen? Idris, peace be upon him.
Where was Abraham born? Our master Ibrahim Babil was born in Iraq.
What is the title of our master Ibrahim? The father of the prophets.
-It was his nickname? Abu Al-Dhaifan.
Where was Abraham buried? In the city of Hebron, Palestine.
Who is the first guest guest? Ibrahim, peace be upon him.
- What is the land where the people of our master Shuaib lived? Debtor.
Who are the owners of the couch? Shuq.
- What is the couch that the people of our master Shuaib worship? It is a big tree wrapped in twigs and around it.
-Who was the Prophet who was called the 'Noon'? Yunus, peace be upon him.
- Who is the prophet whom God mocked the mountains swimming with? David, peace be upon him.
-Who was the Prophet who was called the caliph of God? David, peace be upon him.
-Who was the Prophet who nicknamed the Word of God? Moses.
- Who was the Prophet who was called Khalil Allah? Ibrahim, peace be upon him.
Who is the Prophet who was called the Beloved of God? Muhammad bin Abdullah, peace be upon him, best.
- Who were the prophets who received the Seal of the Messengers in the heavens on the night of Isra and Mi'raj?
In the first sky: Adam, peace be upon him.
In the second heaven: Jesus and Yahya, peace be upon them both.
In the third heaven: Yusuf, peace be upon him.
In the Fourth Heaven: Idris, peace be upon him.
In the Fifth Heaven: Aaron, peace be upon him.
In the Sixth Heaven: Musa, peace be upon him.
In the seventh heaven: Ibrahim, peace be upon him.
- Who was the first to write Hijri history? Our master Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him
Who is the first muezzin in Islam? Bilal bin Rabah.
-Who was the first title of the sword of God Maslool? The great companion Khalid bin Al Waleed, may God be pleased with him.
-Who is the first born to immigrants in Medina? Abdullah bin Al-Zobair, who is the son of That Al-Nitaqain Asmaa bint Abi Bakr, may God be pleased with her.
-Who is the first Caliph in Islam? Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him.
-What is the first verse was revealed in a dignified prohibition on alcohol? It is verse 219 of Surat Al-Baqara.
What is the first minaret built in the Islamic world? Minaret of Jesus in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.
-Who is the first ambassador of Islam? Sahaabi Musab bin Omair may Allah be pleased with him.
-Is the first of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him? Mother of the Faithful, Mrs. Khadija Bint Khuwaylid, may God be pleased with her.
-From the first to greet the Prophet of Islam alive? The great companion Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari, may God be pleased with him, whose name is Jandab bin Janadah from Bani Ghaffar, and from the first five former to Islam.
-From the first to the title of prince of believers? Caliph Al-Rashid Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him.
-Who was the first witness in the trial teams? Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.
-The first is to lift the coffin during the funeral for the dead? The great Companion Mrs. Asma Bint Umais, may God be pleased with her.
- When was the first time that Muslims celebrated Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha? In the second year of migration, they celebrated Eid Al-Fitr on 1 Shawwal year 2 of migration - and the blessed Eid Al-Adha on 10 Dhu al-Hijjah year 2 of Hijra.
-The first died of immigrants in the city? The great companion Othman bin Mazoon, may God be pleased with him.
-Who is the first commando in Islam? Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah bless him.
-Who was the first dubbed haggard? Abdul Rahman bin Muawiyah, one of the Umayyads who fled to chase the Abbasids.
-Of the first to own nicknamed the poor? Mother of the Faithful, Mrs. Zainab Bint Jahsh, the wife of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace (and his cousin, Omaima bint Abdul Muttalib).
- What is the first Islamic city built by the Arabs outside the Arabian Peninsula? The city of Basra was built by Ataba Bin Ghazwan Al Mazni in 16 AH - 635 AD.