Learn about the benefits and harms of dear cereals and how to add them to your diet in a healthy way

Although dear love is not a known type of nuts technically, it is an interesting addition to a healthy diet; It is rich in many nutrients, contributes to good digestion and may protect against infection and some diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Dear love is a rich source of antioxidants, which are useful compounds that protect your body from aging and diseases such as cancer and heart disease, but dear love also contains anti-nutrients, such as phytates, oxalates, saponins, and tannins, which can reduce the absorption of elements Food in your gut.
Certainly, dear love will take its place in the world of healthy foods one day, and it is only a matter of time before young people today discover the health benefits of these pills and make them part of their daily diet. But keep in mind that these tubers are rich in fiber and also contain:
Vitamin E: 278% of the RDA.
Calories: 103-121 calories.
Potassium: 3-5% of the RDA.
Iron: 13-40% of the RDA.
Phosphorus: 9-11% of the RDA.
Vitamin C: 2-8% of the RDA.
Magnesium: 7% of the RDA.
Zinc: 5-7% of the RDA.
Calcium: 1% of the RDA.
Fiber: 2-7 grams.
Carbohydrates: 9 grams.
Protein: One gram.
Fat: 7-9 grams.
It has been found that dear love has many health benefits that benefit the human body and are as follows:
1- It may improve digestion:
Dear love may help healthy digestion in different ways, as it is rich in insoluble fibers, which pass through your intestine without digesting it. Insoluble fiber adds a large volume to the stool, and helps food to move through your intestine easily, which reduces the possibility of constipation, by increasing the variety (good bacteria) in the gut.
It is also assumed that dear acne contains resistant starch, which is a type of fiber that can nourish friendly bacteria in your gut, which helps to carry out the digestion smoothly.
Moreover, dear love may contain enzymes, such as catalase, lipase and amylase, that help break down foods in your intestines, relieve gas, indigestion and diarrhea.
2- May reduce blood sugar levels:
Dear love may help control blood sugar levels. As animal studies show, dear love extract may help reduce blood sugar levels. This may, in large part, be due to a higher fiber in the tubers, which may slow the absorption of sugar into the gut.
Dear love is also rich in arginine and is one of the types of amino acids, which may increase insulin production and sensitivity, both of which are important for controlling blood sugar.
Moreover, test tube studies show that dear acne extract may prevent the action of carbohydrate digesting enzymes in your gut.
As a result, less sugar may be absorbed in your intestine in a manner similar to the work of some diabetic medications that lower blood sugar. This is thought to lower blood sugar levels, although more research is needed in humans.
3- May improve heart health:
Dear love may also be beneficial to the health of your heart, in part due to the high amount of monounsaturated fats it contains, which give a fat-like look to the heart's healthy olive oil.
Diets high in monounsaturated fats are associated with lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol and higher levels of HDL, and lower risk of heart attacks, stroke and death due to heart disease.
What's more, the arginine contained in it can promote heart health, because your body uses it to make nitric oxide, a compound that helps expand arteries and veins, thereby lowering blood pressure.
The research also links dear love with improved blood circulation and a lower risk of blood clotting, both of which can reduce the risk of heart disease.
4- It may boost the immune system and help fight infection:
Dear love may contribute to strengthening the immune system, in one of the studies conducted in 2009 in the test tube, Aziz extract extracts were tested against several types of bacteria that can infect humans. The extract was effective against E. coli, Staphylococcus and Salmonella. The researchers added that dear acne extracts may also be effective in fighting bacterial infections resistant to antibiotics.
However, more studies are needed before strong conclusions can be drawn to support this.
5- It may act as a sexual stimulant:
Dear love has a long history of using it to enhance sexual desire, as it is used as a sexual stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine. In addition, men in Nigeria have used dear love for generations to treat erectile dysfunction, increase the number of sperms and enhance sexual desire.
Some studies have investigated these characteristics. Where one of the studies, conducted in mice, showed that dear love helped maintain the testicle weight and sperm production after heavy metal poisoning.
In another study, also in mice, consuming large quantities of dear love for 30 days increased testosterone levels, boosted sexual activity and reduced entry time between mating sessions.
However, there are no studies on the use of dear love as a sexual stimulant in humans, so more research is needed before any conclusions are reached.
6- It may help to lose weight
Fiber is an essential part of our daily diet, as it helps with better digestion and excretion and reduces the risk of high cholesterol (which causes heart disease).
The dear love portion contains about 10 grams of fiber. Fiber also helps promote weight loss. It makes you feel full longer, and thus reduces cravings for food.
A 2009 study confirms that high fiber content in dear love makes it an important addition to a healthy diet.
7- Dear love is a source of magnesium:
Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Hence the importance of maintaining the body with a beneficial dose of this essential ingredient. Control of magnesium levels provides great benefits, and 100 grams of dear love contributes between 13-17% of the daily recommended requirements for healthy adults.
To stick to calcium in the bones, and thus combat osteoporosis and dental cavities, dear acne provides a portion of the required magnesium, and magnesium is ideal along with proteins for muscle development.
Of course, magnesium is closely related to kidney care, prevention of menstrual problems (in women), and maintaining a stable body pH to avoid the appearance of dermatitis or fungal infections.
More importantly, failure to obtain enough dietary magnesium is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.
8- Dear love provides a good amount of potassium:
One of the main functions of potassium is to control blood pressure. Thus, because of the high amount of this chemical, dear love helps control heart activity.
While bananas are the most common source of potassium, many studies have confirmed that dear love provides higher levels of this element. To be precise, 25 grains of dear love provide 139 milligrams of potassium and surely outperform bananas.
Eating potassium-rich foods is usually associated with the proper functioning of cells in the human body and the health of vital organs. Potassium, as one of the main minerals, regulates the amount of acidic base and helps distribute water throughout the body. Potassium also helps the body process carbohydrates.
A lack of potassium in the body causes a different amount of imbalances, such as arrhythmia, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure or constipation, therefore, feeding the body with this mineral makes it active, and it achieves the goals that each healthy balanced diet should follow.
9- An endless source of vegetable protein:
The dear love, as noted, has a high nutritional value, however, when analyzing the origin of non-animal proteins, the dear love becomes a wonderful food.
Plant protein is in line with all of the benefits described above, for example, the normal regulation of the cardiovascular system and proper functioning of cellular activity may prevent the risk of cancer.
It should be noted that the rich amino acids found in dear love are higher than WHO standards for other foods.
10- Dear love oil competes with olive oil:
Dear love oil is full of healthy power. Due to its high levels of oleic acid (monounsaturated), this liquid is ideal for nourishing the skin and preparing it against external damage. In addition, dear acne oil contains enough unsaturated fatty acids to meet the daily needs of the entire human body.
Among the curative properties of dear acne oil, for example, treatment of eczema or skin lesions caused by the skin fungus, in addition to stimulating calcium absorption, regeneration of bone tissue or arteriosclerosis, among other diseases.
In addition to the healing properties that dear love oil provides as a food, advanced cosmetic companies are beginning to use it to innovate in products that are highly durable for different skin types, thanks to its high doses of vitamin E, which prevent aging.
11- Love of dear is a source of phosphorous:
There is a phosphorous component in every cell in the human body, it is part of the phosphorous cell membrane .. Without phosphorous, your cells will not be able to communicate with each other or make critical enzymatic reactions, so the phosphorous in dear love supports the work and performance of the cell membrane.
12- Love of dear is a source of iron:
Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, a compound that helps deliver oxygen to your cells, and dear love is an excellent source of iron, which is important because many people have a slight deficiency in iron.
13- Dear Love is a source of Vitamin E:
Vitamin E works as an antioxidant, which means it fights oxidative damage inside your cells. Over time, accumulated oxidative damage may contribute to an increased risk of cancer, degenerative neurological conditions, and other chronic diseases. Thus, getting enough vitamin E may help your body stay healthy and avoid these conditions.
14- Dear Love is a source of Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is an important component of protein metabolism and is beneficial for wound healing. Like Vitamin E, vitamin C works as an antioxidant to sweep the types of radical oxygen that can damage cells, and vitamin C in dear love can help you absorb iron in your body.
Side effects of dear love:
The only possible disadvantage of dear love is its high fiber content, which may cause problems if you eat a lot of it, and excess fibers (especially for people sensitive to high-fiber foods) can cause flatulence, stomach pain, or even constipation.
There is no study on the number of dear grains a person can consume, as a handful of dear grains are sufficient per day, and anything more than that can cause stomach cramps and other problems due to their high content of fibers.
Also, excessive consumption is not suitable for both pregnant women and diabetics, and although the food is a good ketogenic diet, it is not recommended to consume much of it for weight loss because it contains a large number of fatty nutrients.
How to add dear love to your diet?
There are a lot of ways you can enjoy these delicious pills and add them to your diet:
1- It can be eaten raw or roasted, preferably finer. In order to be easy to chew, it is best to soak it or boil it in water.
2- It can be prepared for a delicious snack, but it can also be used as an additional layer for a variety of dishes, such as breakfast cereals, juices, salads and yogurt.
3- In addition, dear beans can be mixed with nuts and dried fruits to obtain an alternative mixture. It can also be ground and used in bread or other baked goods. And Aziz's ground love is a great gluten-free alternative.
4- You can use dear love to make dear butter, just like making peanut butter, almonds or cashews, and this is a very healthy way to incorporate dear love into your diet.
5- Dear grain can be dried and powder used to make flour that can be used in cooking.