You can combat unpleasant seasonal allergic symptoms with these effective foods

Many of us live in the spring and summer period, suffering from tears of the eye, itching and sneezing, caused by symptoms of seasonal allergies, due to the intense heat and dust, it is time to alleviate them. Now do not worry, there are many foods that are really useful in alleviating these symptoms, and you can combat the troublesome seasonal symptoms of these effective foods:
1- Ginger:
Many symptoms of seasonal allergies are caused by inflammatory problems, such as swelling and irritation in the nasal passages, eyes, and throat. Ginger can help reduce these symptoms naturally Ginger contains phytochemicals that are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, which makes it really useful foods to get rid of seasonal allergies.

You can add ginger as a spice to different food items, such as potatoes or pastries. Or have it as an early morning tea.
2- Some types of fish:
Tuna, salmon, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are effective in reducing inflammation, which is a major cause of seasonal allergies. A study of a group of women in Japan showed that women who consumed higher amounts of fish had low levels of hay fever Also known as allergic rhinitis, it is worth noting that you can eat two servings of fish per week, but it is not recommended for any patient with allergies in the chest or asthma or anyone with a cold to eat any type of fish where the fish caused bad symptoms and their condition may worsen.
3- Onions:
Onions are a good natural source of the Kerstin compound - a natural antihistamine - that helps reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies, a good intestinal antiseptic, and strengthens immunity. Cooking reduces the content of Kerstin in onions, so it is advised to eat it raw. You can add it to the authorities.

4- Turmeric:
Turmeric is a spice rich in the anti-inflammatory curcumin compound, which helps relieve the symptoms of swelling and irritation caused by allergic rhinitis.
5- Tomato:
The medium-sized tomato fruit contains about 26% of the recommended daily value for vitamin C, in addition to the richness of the compound lycopene, another anti-oxidant compound that helps calm the symptoms of inflammation.

It is worth noting that the body easily absorbs lycopene when ingested by cooked foods, so choose canned or cooked tomatoes for an additional boost.
6- Broccoli:
Broccoli is one of the best vegetables, which will protect the body from allergens pollutants, you can eat cooked or by adding it to delicious salads.

7- Sweet potatoes:
You can avoid seasonal allergies with the sweet potato, which contains beta-carotene, which in turn protects the body from allergic symptoms, and reduces its severity if it occurs.