What is sputum, is it a disease or a normal thing and how is it treated naturally?

Sputum and mucus secretion is not a disease; Rather, it is a natural process by the body and cells to moisturize the inner surfaces of the airways in order to protect them and improve the temperature of the air entering the lungs, and to purify it of any impurities or particles that may harm the lung and interfere with its function. Also, its increased secretion is a defensive process against infection of all kinds. Phlegm is a mucous substance secreted from the wall of the respiratory system by some of the different cells present in this wall, and it consists of three layers:
The first layer, which is the layer adjacent to the wall of the respiratory tract, contains cilia, which is responsible for moving to push the sputum upward outside the respiratory tract.
The second layer, which contains fats and proteins, and this layer contains surfactant, which is responsible for reducing the surface tension of fluids. This layer reduces friction, and dispenses mucus well on all surfaces of the internal wall of the respiratory tract.
The third layer, the gelatin layer, contains water and mucin, which is secreted by specific cells in the respiratory tract wall called (Goblet cells).
In this article, we will provide the most important tips that can help you in the treatment of phlegm, with its definition and its main causes.
Sputum functions:
Sputum collects fine grains and cellular residues by sticking to the mucous material, and then the cilia expel the mucous substance out of the respiratory system, and these cilia make a wave-like movement in one direction up until the sputum reaches the throat and pharynx, so we perform an involuntary movement to swallow it It is digested through the stomach and its sphincter, and these are the most important ways to get rid of phlegm.
Common faults:
Usually, some people mistake the difference between sputum and saliva, although the difference between them is clear. Saliva is produced by the salivary glands and the mucous wall of the mouth, and swallowed with food. As for sputum, it is a mucous substance that is produced by the wall of the respiratory tract and contains dead cells.
Another, most common mistake is that we think what comes out of the nose is phlegm, which is incorrect. What comes out of the nose from a runny or mucous substance produced by the wall of the nose and sinuses and not sputum, and it is difficult to expel phlegm through the nose. The phlegm that comes out through the cough from the mouth may contain nasal secretions that fall to it through the pharynx to the throat, and for this reason we may find nasal secretions from the components of phlegm and not vice versa.
The last mistake is the belief of many that determining the color of sputum can determine whether or not a patient needs to take an antibiotic. This is not accurate, but the truth is that the color of sputum helps doctors in another way:
Red: Dark or light sputum, allowing us to diagnose coughing, whether acute or chronic. This is, by the way, one of the emergency cases that indicate the presence of lung bleeding as a symptom of some diseases such as tuberculosis infection, bronchiectasis, mitral valve stenosis, or some immune diseases.
Pink color: usually accompanied by conditions such as pulmonary edema.
White or yellow color: This is what happens as a result of the immune system facing the respiratory infection, whether bacterial or viral.
Green: This occurs due to certain types of infection, such as Pseudomonas infection.
- Black color: This accompanies the cases of patients who work in the field of exploration and coal mines, where they inhale large quantities of coal dust, which is deposited in the phlegm, causing a dark black color.
* How to increase sputum discharge with some diseases?
As a result of some respiratory diseases, sputum secretions increase dramatically, whether these diseases are chronic or acute, or even as a result of environmental changes. The increase in the excretion of phlegm at this moment is a defense device for the body to protect the wall of the respiratory tract from dehydration.
Reasons for increased sputum production and accumulation:
Causes of respiratory diseases
Respiratory infections, whether bacterial, viral, or fungal. Whether it is an upper respiratory infection such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
Usurious crisis is a disease of narrowed respiratory tracts.
Both types of pulmonary embolism: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Both cause a change in the softness of the lung tissue, its inability to pump air out, and thus the accumulation of secretions inside it, and the ease of infection.
Bronchiectasis, and those with it, are more susceptible to infection with pseudomonas.
Pulmonary edema, which is a disease that increases fluid in the lung tissue, which leads to weakening of its respiratory function. It occurs due to several reasons, including severe hypertension.
Genetic causes
Cystic fibrosis, a disease that results in an increase in mucous secretions in the lung, which exposes them to frequent infections, as it affects the pancreas, liver, kidneys and intestines, but what distinguishes it is an increase in mucus secretion.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia: It is a disease that affects the movement of the cilia that push the sputum up out of the respiratory tract, causing sputum build-up and increased chances of infection, as well as leading to infertility in men and women as a result of poor cilia movement in their reproductive systems.
Neuromuscular disorders, muscular dystrophy diseases, and spinal muscular atrophy are all diseases that affect the respiratory muscles, and weaken their ability to stretch the chest when inhale and shrink when exhaling, which affects lung efficiency, inability to cough, and makes it vulnerable to the accumulation of phlegm.
Factors causing phlegm from the environment and lifestyle
Smoking, because smoking tobacco causes chronic infections in the wall of the bronchial tubes, which increases the secretion and accumulation of sputum, and chronic smoking may cause obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pollution: Increased pollution causes respiratory cells to produce quantities of phlegm to resist dust particles and pollution. Therefore, we were exposed to it in a chronic way that increases phlegm above the body's natural energy to push it, as it causes narrowing of the airways and chronic inflammation of it.
Smoke and fumes, which are one of the causes of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis and increased sputum secretion. Exposure to chemical fumes and smoke from combustion are among the most common causes of increased sputum secretion.
Sputum treatment and disposal methods:
Here are the five most important ways we can treat sputum and get rid of it:
1- Using sputum solvents, which reduce the viscosity of sputum, which facilitates its expulsion.
2- Using a phlegm repellent, which works by increasing the amount of water in the phlegm components, or by increasing the amount of phlegm, which increases the caution of the cilia in the trachea to expel it through its wave motion.
3- Cough Control: It is a method used to expel and treat sputum by sitting on the edge of the chair or bed with a slight inclination forward, then bending and holding the arms in front of the abdomen while breathing slowly through the nose, then pressing the abdomen through the arms held in front of the abdomen and coughing twice or Three with the mouth open, provided that the cough is fast and sharp (the first cough is to dissolve the phlegm and dislocate it and push it up, and the next two curves are to continue pushing the phlegm up and expel it), then after inhaling it slowly and gently through the nose (this helps the phlegm not to return again Of the bronchus), and finally return to the first position and repeat the above several times.
4 - Local sputum drainage: It is a method for expelling and treating phlegm by changing the position of the body, and this method allows gravity to help drain and expel phlegm, which is especially important for chronic conditions, and helps the elderly to reduce their chances of developing pneumonia.
5- Physiotherapy of the chest: It is a treatment that physiotherapists and respiratory therapists perform in a limited number of countries, and it is very similar to the previous treatment (localized sputum discharge), with gently knocking and clapping on certain areas of the chest in order to clear sputum outside the chest, which is the method used For newborns to expel and treat sputum trapped in their airways after birth.
Here we will review together the most important prescriptions, natural methods and safe medications that a mother who suffers from cough and excess phlegm can use during pregnancy:
Keep the inhaled air moist, as dry air increases the dryness of the throat and bronchi, which stimulates the body to produce more phlegm, making the inner wall of the air passages dewy.
Drink large quantities of water. Maintaining the body’s moisture and watering it makes the cells work well and does not disrupt their functions.
In hot climates, you can put a wet tissue on your nose and mouth to moisturize the air entering your lungs, as well as reduce the volatile particles caused by pollution, dust, and dust, thus reducing the reaction of the bronchial cells to these molecules.
Always keep your head up.
Do not conceal cough, and coughing helps cough up phlegm in the respiratory passages. And if you feel that you have a phlegm, you must get rid of it directly, this is an important way to treat phlegm.
You can use nasal sprays that contain saline water, they help clean the nasal passages, reduce the runoff that occurs back in the pharynx to the bronchi, and help increase phlegm secretion and increase coughing. As well as rinsing throughout the day with salt water (Saline) helps to expel phlegm.
- If you suffer from allergies, stay away from foods that cause your allergies, fumes, seasonal dust, pesticides, and heavily polluted places that may cause you allergies, narrow people and increased phlegm production.
- Reduce the use of caffeine (if you drink coffee and tea in abundance), as well as women who drink alcohol and spirits, they should reduce or refrain from consuming these drinks due to the increase in dehydration, which is reflected in the increased secretion of phlegm.
- Bathing from time to time during the day, where you can take a warm bath, even quickly, it helps to relax the body, and clean the dust or dust suspended in the skin, as well as warm water vapor helps moisturize the inhaled air.
You must eat enough fruits every day to supply you with vitamins and minerals needed for the body, especially zinc. There are also foods that help the body in general health and reduce cough and phlegm excretion such as garlic, apple cider vinegar, honey, ginger, lemon and citrus fruits (because they contain sufficient amounts of vitamin C 'C').
Try to get rid of excess acidity and reflux esophagus by following proper eating habits, reduce drinking coffee and tea, refrain from smoking and alcohol, as well as not eating large meals before bed. Increasing the secretion of stomach acid and reaching the throat increases irritation of the airways and, consequently, the increase in sputum secretion.
Sputum in infants and children:
Sputum excretion in children increases for either acute cases such as viral upper respiratory infection that children infect heavily in winter and between seasons, whooping cough..etc, and also when the child swallows and inhales to a foreign body as well as in chronic diseases such as asthma, sputum excretion increases in children, which makes them suffer It is difficult to breathe and practice their daily lives, and there are general advice for children that may not be much different from what we talked about for pregnant women:
Moisturize the inhaled air as much as possible, as mentioned previously.
Watering the body and encouraging children to drink enough water, especially warm water or at least the same room temperature.
Use syrup with sputum or syrup after consulting the attending physician, but in small doses, depending on the prescription.
Drink warm liquids, aromatic drinks such as anise, chamomile, etc.
Eat foods and fruits that generally boost immunity, such as citrus fruits, honey, ginger, and natural fruits.
Use saline to clean the nose or rinse (somewhat adult children make the rinse) to get rid of phlegm.