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Mutabbaq with minced meat from the Yemen cuisine

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Mutabbaq with minced meat from the Yemen cuisine


Spike flash roll

Half a cup of my ghee

Sour tray

Yogurt box

Small hanging baking powder


A quarter of a kilo of coarse minced meat

Chopped onion

Small hanging chopped tomatoes

A cup of chopped balls

Half a cup of parsley

One tomato, cut into cubes

A small chopped hot pepper horn

Two cups akawi cheese or mozzarella

Salt and Pepper

A small spoon of cumin and dried coriander

For settlement:

Hanging my senior obese

To serve:

Slices of colored pepper

Tomato rose


In a bowl, we will drop it with butter and saute the onion and garlic with spices, add the meat and stew it until it is cooked, and add salt and remove it from the heat

We add cheese, pepper and parsley

Mix butter with cream, yogurt and baking powder

We spread out a sheet of goulash and spread it with a mixture of ghee and apply two textures to it, add two of the filling, close the sides of the gelash and apply it in a square shape until the quantity ends

In a bowl of fire, we will go down suspended in fat, and apply it over a medium fire until it takes a golden color from all sides.

It is served hot and served hot

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