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Cup cake stuffed with strawberry jam

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Cup cake stuffed with strawberry jam

 Cup cake stuffed with strawberry jam

So bring your kids today and make them a cupcake filled with delicious strawberry jam


2 cups flour

 1 tablespoon of baking powder

 2 eggs

 1 teaspoon vanilla

 Pinch of salt

 Half a cup of oil

 Half a cup of sugar

 1 cup of creamy strawberry jam

How to prepare a cupcake with jam:

* In a blender mix sugar, oil, milk, eggs and vanilla.

Mix the flour, baking powder and salt.

* Add the oil mixture to the flour mixture and stir all of the mixture.

* Place a tablespoon of the cupcake mixture in the cupcake paper.

Add a teaspoon of cream jam.

Place a tablespoon of cake mixture on top.

* Place the cupcakes in the oven on the middle rack at a temperature of 180 degrees until fully cooked.

* It is taken to cool down and then served.

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