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The great benefits of avocado for your baby and how you can include it in his food

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The great benefits of avocado for your baby and how you can include it in his food

The great benefits of avocado for your baby and how you can include it in his food

The avocado fruit is one of the fruits rich in many nutritional values ​​that improve the health of the body, strengthen and enhance immunity, as it is called by nutritionists the name of the amazing fruit, and the avocado tree was cultivated in Central America about seven thousand years ago, before it moved to North America and this happened in The nineteenth century, then its cultivation expanded to reach all parts of the world after its benefits were discovered.

Avocado is also considered one of the healthiest foods, as it contains more than 25 essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. Avocados also contain fiber, protein, and several beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, which may protect against various diseases. Therefore, we offer you the most important benefits of avocado for a baby as follows.

1- Benefits of avocado for a child's body health:

Avocado contains a large amount of beneficial nutrients that are important for the health and building of a child's body.

It improves the digestive system.

It also works to maintain a normal blood sugar level.

Avocado works to strengthen the structure of the infant, as it contains proteins and monounsaturated fats that are beneficial for the health of the child, and where he must obtain protein after the sixth month from its natural sources.

It works to enhance and strengthen the child's immunity.

2- At what age should an avocado be given to a child?


Doctors recommend that you introduce avocados to the baby after the age of six months.
Avocado is one of the fruits that do not need to be cooked, and it can be served to infants easily and without preparation time.
It can also be mixed with cooked and mashed vegetables such as zucchini and boiled carrots.
- It is provided to the infant in the form of a very small amount, and alone without any other new food, so that the mother can discover if he suffers from an avocado allergy or not.
3- Benefits of avocado for a baby's mental health:
Avocado increases the mental capacity of the child.
It has also been shown to combat early Alzheimer's.
It contains important elements that help in the child's intelligence, brain development and safety, such as folic acid, iron, zinc and potassium.
Avocados contain important mental health vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin B6, which are important for nerve growth as well.
4- How to introduce avocado to your baby:
- It can be served pureed without any addition as a solid food meal for the infant after the age of six months, which is the age that allows him to eat outside according to UNICEF recommendations.
Mixed mashed vegetables can be added to it without adding salt.

-It can be mixed with yogurt and served to the infant.

Mix with milk and serve to the baby.

Mixed with banana pears and served as a sweet, not salty item.

It can be mixed with kiwi and served to the child as a meal rich in nutrients.



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