3 natural home blends to treat damaged hair ends

Damaged hair ends are a problem because they can damage your hairstyle on any occasion, and hair cutting may not be the sure solution, or you want your hair for a long time to fit the chosen hairstyle.
This is why the best solution is to adopt these easy masks or mixes to take care of the damaged ends of the hair, and these mixtures make your hair strong, healthy and looks great.
1- Oil mask to moisturize the ends of the hair:

1 teaspoon avocado oil
A teaspoon of watercress oil
1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
1 teaspoon olive oil oil
Mix the oils together, and put them on the ends of the hair overnight, then rinse with water the next day.
This mask can be applied once a week, or twice depending on the condition of the hair.
You can adopt a hair serum in case you are not out of the house, to avoid the embarrassment of its smell.
2- Honey, milk and olive oil mask:
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon milk
Mix the ingredients together and spread to the ends of the hair.
Wrap the hair with a little warm towel, until your hair absorbs the mixture, and leave it for long hours, or overnight.
Repeat the process 3 times a week to get the desired result.
3- Egg, olive oil and avocado mask:
1 egg
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 tablespoon of mashed avocado
Mix the ingredients together and apply to the ends.
Leave the mixture on the hair for an hour, then rinse the hair.
Try a mask once a week before your wedding.