With the advent of winter, many of us suffer from overweight, and also most of us prefer to sit at home due to the presence of the Corona virus, and with all difficult circumstances, many of us find it difficult to adhere to exercising or following a diet. However, due to the variety of fat-burning foods, all conditions may be good for losing weight.
There are a variety of healthy and fat burning foods that can be added to the diet, in the winter, for the purpose of curbing appetite, strengthening immunity and helping us fight diseases, and also working to enhance the process of burning fat, including:
First, the ambitions:

2- Protein:

Foods rich in protein help in extending their intake to make them feel full for a long time, and in increasing the rate of metabolism.
3- Legumes:
Many studies have confirmed that legumes help the body burn a large number of calories, due to the presence of the amino acid, fiber, protein and vitamin B.
4- sweet potatoes:
Sweet potato is an important source of dietary fiber that helps regulate digestion. Sweet potato contains a low percentage of sugar and starches, so it is useful for diabetics, in addition to lowering blood pressure. Because it maintains fluid balance, and is not rich in sodium, as well as improving the health of arteries, blood, bones, muscles and nerves.
5- Broccoli:

Broccoli is included in the regulations for slimming diets; It is rich in fibers that provide the body with satiety. It also reduces insulin resistance, and thus it impedes the process of converting sugar into fat, and rids the body of toxins.
6- Artichoke:
Artichoke is one of the vegetables rich in fiber, and it is good for the intestine, as it nourishes healthy gut bacteria, and thus, promotes healthy food absorption and digestion, and it contains very little fat.

7. Garlic:

Garlic has many health benefits, as it fights the viruses that cause influenza in the winter, is useful in treating blood pressure, boosts the immune system and also helps to burn fat, but patients with irritable bowel syndrome or stomach ulcers patients should avoid eating garlic.
8- Seaweed:

Seaweed is one of the foods rich in natural fibers that aid in weight loss. Because it increases the percentage of enzymes that digest fats and makes the body absorb them less.
9 - Celery:

Celery is low in carbohydrates and full of fiber, so it is considered a vegetable that helps in losing weight. It makes the body burn more calories, and a cup of celery juice in the morning helps you burn fat abnormally.
10. Avocado:

Although avocado is full of calories, it is useful for controlling weight. In a study, it was reported that eating half an avocado at lunch promoted feelings of fullness and an unwillingness to eat for hours.
Secondly drinks:

Ginger helps to extend its intake by feeling full, because it contains a high percentage of fiber, which facilitates bowel movement. It also helps in burning fats, by increasing the speed of metabolism.
2- Hot pepper:

Chili peppers contain components that increase the metabolism rate in the body, the substance responsible for giving red pepper its hot taste is 'capsaicin', which plays a major role in controlling appetite, as it works on thyroid secretions, which in turn affect the hormones adrenaline and dopamine responsible for controlling Appetite. In addition to the role of chili in increasing the rate of metabolism, especially the burning of fats, as well as in reducing and regulating blood sugar levels.
3- Coffee:

Coffee contributes to weight loss, by reducing appetite, and it contains caffeine, which is rich in antioxidants.

A study showed that cinnamon contains a compound that has a stimulating effect on the metabolism of fat cells, which means that it may contribute to reducing obesity.
15.Green tea:

Green tea is useful for losing weight, as it increases the efficiency of the metabolism process in the body, allowing it to convert food and drink into usable energy, in addition to green tea containing caffeine and an antioxidant (catechins). The mentioned compounds help speed up the metabolism process, and catechins can also help break down excess fats in the body.