For healthy food lovers and for those who follow a diet and loves to eat stuffed stuffed today we offer a distinctive and delicious dish stuffed with pepper with bulgur
Half a kilo of my green bell pepper
1 carrot
2 zucchini fruits
2 cups bulgur
3 chopped tomatoes
1 teaspoon garlic
1 bunch of dill
1 bunch of parsley
1 bunch of Coriander
A quarter cup of oil
2 cups chicken stock
1 tablespoon tomato sauce
Half a teaspoon of dry mint
Half a teaspoon soft cumin
Black pepper salt
How to prepare stuffed pepper:
Grate zucchini and carrots
* Mix zucchini and carrots with bulgur, chopped green, onion, garlic, oil, salt, black pepper, mint, cumin and hot pepper.
* Stuff the turkey pepper with a mixture of bulgur with vegetables and stack it in a bowl.
* Mix the broth with the tomato sauce, salt and black pepper.
* The stuffing is watered with the stock mixture and put on the stove until it boils.
* Settle the fire and cover the mixture and leave until fully cooked.
* It is served hot.