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6 ways to treat heartburn headaches

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6 ways to treat heartburn headaches

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Many of us suffer from constant headaches, and there is a type of headache associated with digestive symptoms such as acid reflux or heartburn, and there is a connection that occurs between the gut and the brain through a pathway usually called the intestinal axis and the brain, this pathway mainly consists between the enteric nervous system in the digestive system. And the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord.

Methods for treating headache associated with acidity

1- Medicines that control acidity:


 The over-the-counter medications used to treat or eliminate heartburn include:

Antacid drugs:


These medications are commonly used to relieve heartburn by neutralizing stomach acid.



These drugs bind to histamine receptors in the digestive system and reduce the production of acid by cells in the stomach lining.

Proton inhibitors:


It prevents stomach cells from pumping acid into the digestive system.

2- Headache Medicines:


 These are over-the-counter medicines that do not cause stomach irritation.

3- Don't sleep after dinner:


 Staying awake can help keep the acid in your stomach instead of letting it move up into the esophagus. Give yourself at least 3 hours after eating before bed. This will help reduce acid reflux as well as headaches caused by fatigue.

4- Eat small meals:


Eating small meals, especially at night, can help speed up digestion and reduce acid reflux.

5- Reducing or avoiding nicotine:


 Nicotine products, such as cigarettes and vaping products, may relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing acid to flow upward. Reducing or eliminating nicotine in your lifestyle can help reduce acid reflux and headaches.

6- Diet followers:


 When you are overweight, the muscles and abdominal structure that help keep the lower esophageal sphincter closed, diverging this allows the sphincter to open more easily, resulting in acid reflux. If you are overweight or obese, weight loss can Helps reduce reflux.

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