For fasting in Ramadan several benefits on the health of the body as a whole can not be limited, but what matters to us in this matter, to fast in Ramadan benefits to sexual health and fertility in men and women, we tell us specialists in women and childbirth.

The effect of fasting Ramadan on fertility and sexual health:
• Fasting influence tonic on various body glands, most importantly two fishermen, which improves fertility.
• Fasting increases 10-fold sperm number before fasting and thus improves reproductive capacity.
• Fasting is useful for the sexual ability of men; Because it is discontented for the desire and its weapon; The level of Hormon masculinity in men when fasting is slightly down, and then rises heavily after breakfast; Fertility.
• Research has shown that acid secretions surrounded by vaginal women, white secretions, dry and disappear during fasting; To return to normal and normal shape in sound cases after breakfast directly; To increase women's fertility.