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Your guide to the basics of skin care to combat aging

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Your guide to the basics of skin care to combat aging


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1- Start as soon as possible:

Even if you never take care of your skin, it is not too late to start. Your skin begins to get old when you are only in the mid -twenties, although you may not see it. Your favorite products may not work anymore. Your genes, daily and sun habits cause these changes. So don't wait more than that! You may want to ask a dermatologist now how you can get smoother and smooth skin, whatever your age.

2- Use a gentle cleaner:

Choose a cream for dry skin, or oil -free, foam for oily skin. If your skin is sensitive, talk to a dermatologist about how to avoid irritation. Wash with warm or cold water. Hot water can remove the natural moisture of your skin. Dry your face with patting - don't leave.

3- A moisturizer for your face

It protects and improves your skin. Even if your skin is oily or suffering from pimples, you can use a lightweight moisturizer and free of oils every day. If your skin is dry, you may need to apply it more than once a day. My Lord, while your face is still moist to hold moisture.

4- Place a sunscreen every day

You need to protect from sunlight during daylight hours, even if the atmosphere is cloudy or residing inside. The sun can pass through clouds and windows, so you are always exposed. Many moisturizers have a sunscreen. If you don't have a screen, look for a wide -ranging screen, which means it protects against long and medium UV rays. Don't forget to cover your lips too! And if you sweat or stay outside for a long time, prepare the sunscreen to stay protected.

5- Can I apply a layer of my skin products?

yes. Start with clean skin, apply any creamy creams or prescriptions first.

In the morning: a moisturizer, sunscreen (if not in your moisturizer), and makeup if you wear it.

Night: An anti -aging product (if you use it), moisturizing without a sunscreen.


6- Ringing dead skin:

Peel to help glow your skin. You can gently remove dead skin cells using a soft towel, rotating brush or scrub. If your skin is dry, peel it once a week. If your skin is oily, do so once or twice a week. If you have acne or sensitive skin, talk to your doctor. Peeling may irritate your skin.

7- It reveals a new layer

Some skin care products contain ingredients that get rid of dead cells to detect brighter and fresh skin below. Acne medications and anti -aging products may contain salicylic acid or retinoid, for example. You can also get a precise sanding or chemical peeling to get rid of dead cells. Both are available from doctors and in home combinations. However, you may not see a big difference from home formula.

8- TLC skin color

If you are an American of African or Spanish origin, for example, your skin may be sensitive to the sun or chemicals. Adhere to a simple and gentle skin care protein. Do not spend a day without a moisturizer or sunscreen. Although you may not have sunburn at all, you still need a sunscreen to protect against skin cancer, wrinkles and dark spots.


9- What is on the list?

Your skin needs good feeding just like the rest of your body. Some studies indicate that nutrients can improve and protect your skin. Creams and vaccines that contain vitamins C or E may protect from sun damage. Those with vitamins A or B3 may be able to correct the damage of the sun's rays that already have. Of course, you still need to get vitamins from foods.

10- Membership is not always better:

There is no scientific evidence that cosmetics and organic or natural skin care products are fully safe for your skin. In some cases, they may irritate it, especially if your condition is sensitive. Like many skin care products, "natural" components such as plant extracts may cause rash or allergic reactions in some people. First tested it on a less clear area of ​​your body.

11- Facial treatments: fun or essential?

You do not need a beautiful skin care salon, but it may make your skin look smoother for a period of time. It can be a comfortable treatment as well. The face beauty in the salon can include cleaning and exfoliation. Facial treatments may cause allergic reactions or irritation in some people, so you should avoid them if you tend to redness or rash after that.

12- I am old on Zits, right?

I grew up, so why did the blisters and blackheads not disappear? Hormones, hair products and tension may be the cause, among other reasons. A dermatologist or cosmetic specialist can help you know what your skin needs. Some products have ingredients that target acne and signs of aging as well.

13- Keep the glow continuing:


- Do not smoke. Get your skin and encourage wrinkles.

Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and proteins free of fat and whole grains.

-Exercise every day. It helps your skin by increasing blood flow. And sweating expels dirt.

Looks for ways to get rid of stress. Stress can make your skin more sensitive and increase the spread of pimples.

-Staying away from the sun. Get a fake tan if you want more color.

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