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New ideas and important tips for decorating the reception walls for a modern home

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New ideas and important tips for decorating the reception walls for a modern home

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There are many ideas followed, within the framework of designing the walls of the reception area in the house, as “the walls may represent the focal point in the home decor, for the role of the walls in referring to the school of interior decoration used and to the tastes of the owners of the house,” adding that “the walls are according to the decorations of the house.” This year is not empty or boring."

Wood to clad the walls of the "Reception":

The idea of ​​using wood in the decoration of the reception area, especially the walls, is not new, according to the engineer, but wood, such as rock and brick, is finally desirable in the context of resorting to organic materials in the design, and making the users of interior spaces close to nature.

Decoration ideas, in this context, include working with wood to prepare a library in a way that overlaps the wall, or binding the latter with the aforementioned material, in harmony with the “reception” style.


The colors of the wood used for the walls vary, but most of the colors used are “brown gradations are appropriate if the furnishings are noisy in their colors,” and coordination between the color of wood and other decorative elements must be taken into account, and since “black wood on the walls is common in open interior spaces,” and is considered The idea of ​​wooden binding may be on one wall to attract attention."

The walls of the “reception” housed artistic paintings, large-sized photographs, or a group of artworks. Paintings (or pictures) were now distributed on the wall, along with wooden or bamboo or even iron accessories, after painting a prominent color (green, for example). ), and that's in the bohemian-style home that's finally in vogue.

On the other hand, the neon lighting in which motivating phrases are designed on the “reception” wall stands out, along with an artistic painting, which prints the decor and makes it modern and distinctive.

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