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How your body tells you that you have weakened immunity. Know their signs and causes of occurrence

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How your body tells you that you have weakened immunity. Know their signs and causes of occurrence


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The immune system is a complex system in the body that serves to protect it from diseases and external attacks. The immune system is made up of a group of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to recognize and counteract microbes, germs, and foreign cells.

When the human immune system is affected by any damage, its health is greatly affected, and the body's chances of receiving various diseases become very great.

We will tell you some of the signs that your body tells you that you have a weakened immune system and why this happens to you,,,

-Signs indicating weakened immunity in the human body:

1- Frequent incidence of diseases: 

When the immune system is weak, the body becomes more susceptible to diseases frequently, such as colds and flu.2- Slow recovery: 

When the body is unable to fight germs effectively, the rate of disease recovery can be slow.3- Excessive fatigue:

 Constant feeling of fatigue and lack of energy may be a signal of weakened immunity.

4- Swelling and persistent inflammation:

High levels of swelling and inflammation in the body can be a sign of an ineffective immune response.

5- Allergies and skin reactions: 

Frequent skin reactions and allergies may be the result of reduced ability to control the immune response.

6- Infection with severe fungal and bacterial diseases: 

Frequent infection with severe fungal or bacterial diseases may indicate a weakening of the immune system.

-Causes of weak immunity:

1- Nutritional deficiencies:

 Lack of necessary nutrients can lead to weakened immunity.

2- Psychological and mental stress:

 Constant stress can affect the immune system significantly.

3- Lack of sleep:

 Not getting enough sleep can undermine the ability to resist diseases.

4- Chronic diseases: 

Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, can negatively affect the immune system.

5- Genetic factors: 

Some people may be more prone to weakened immunity due to genetic factors.

6- Excessive exposure to the environment:

Excessive exposure to pollutants and chemicals can weaken the immune system.If you feel any of these signs, it is best to consult a doctor to assess the condition and take action.

Understanding the immune system helps keep the body healthy and understanding how it responds to environmental challenges and diseases.

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