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7 health benefits of cashews that make you eat them every day in your diet

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7 health benefits of cashews that make you eat them every day in your diet

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Cashews are considered one of the most famous types of nuts, famous for their delicious flavor and hard shell.

 Cashews are a rich source of many important nutrients that provide health benefits to the human body because cashews contain healthy unsaturated fats, especially oleic acid, which is considered part of the monounsaturated fatty acid family.

 Cashews also contain vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin K, and minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus.

 It also contains antioxidants and fiber.

 In the next few lines, we will review with you some of the amazing benefits of cashews that will make you depend on them in your diet:

 1- Rich in nutrients: 

Cashews contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the body, such as vitamin C and magnesium.

 2- Beneficial. For heart health: 

Cashews contain healthy fatty acids that can help improve heart health and reduce harmful cholesterol levels.

3- Improving brain functions: 

Cashews contain nutrients that contribute to enhancing brain functions and improving attention and memory.

 4- Contributing to weight loss: 

Although cashews are rich in fat, they can be an important part in maintaining a feeling of satiety and stimulating fat burning processes.

 5- Antioxidant:

 Cashews contain antioxidant compounds that protect cells from damage resulting from oxidation.

 6- Promoting digestion:

 Cashews contain dietary fiber that contributes to improving the digestion process and maintaining the health of the digestive system.

 7- Strengthening bones:

 Cashews contain It contains calcium and magnesium, which play an important role in promoting bone health.

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