Some tips to help you quit smoking quickly during Ramadan

Because the smoker refrains from eating and drinking during the period between dawn and the time for the Maghrib call to prayer, which makes quitting smoking easy with little will. Therefore, the holy month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to quit smoking. Therefore, we offer some important guidelines that help you to do so:
1- It is necessary to stay away from people and places where there is smoking, in addition to avoiding caffeine drinks, because it increases the desire to return to smoking again.
2- You should follow a healthy diet by eating dates and fresh juices at breakfast, and eating lots of fruits, vegetables and fluids between breakfast and suhoor, because they are good alternatives that will help you feel full. It is also preferable to split breakfast into small meals to keep your mouth busy, which will help you not to smoke.
3- Drinking water at regular intervals is an important necessity to stop smoking, as water plays a wonderful role in flushing toxins out of the body and reducing the concentration of nicotine in the urine.
4- Bathing in hot or cold water, with massage of the chest area and the ends of the hands and feet.
5- Exercising, especially walking, that helps the smoker to quit smoking faster, because exercise contributes to the return of appetite to food, and the elimination of nicotine present in the body.
6- Getting enough rest, to avoid disturbances during sleep, fatigue or tension, because all of these symptoms are normal in the period of the beginning to quit smoking, where the body in that period is in great need of nicotine on a daily basis.