12 errors should be avoided when wearing the muzzle to face the Corona pandemic

Gags are part of the World Health Organization’s precautionary measures, and most countries issue strict instructions about wearing them outside the home, where people are present in large numbers, and to avoid the spread of the emerging corona virus, which has turned into a pandemic global pandemic.
The American website 'Itzeth' reported 12 errors that he said take place when wearing masks, indicating the need to avoid them in order not to endanger your life and the lives of others.
1- Pollutant transmission:
If you wear a muzzle for one time and put it on one of the surfaces, those surfaces will become contaminated, and therefore you should not put the muzzle on the surfaces during exams or work and then re-wear it.
2- Contaminated hands:
If one of your hands is exposed to a contaminated surface and then you put it on the muzzle from any side, this leads to transmitting the infection to you by breathing in one way or another, and therefore you should clean your hands before applying it to the muzzle from the inside or even from the outside.
3- Changing or clearing the muzzle:
Experts recommend changing the muzzle every two hours or re-purifying it. If not, different pollutants accumulate on its surface and you may find their way into the respiratory system.
4- Not covering the nose:
Simply covering the mouth only contributes to protecting others from you so that the infection does not spread to them if you are infected, while coughing or sneezing, but you will not protect yourself if you come into contact with an infected person.
5- Delayed wearing of the muzzle:
You must place the muzzle before entering the place where crowding or proximity to others, because your delay in that endangers you.
6- Level of Protection:
You should not trust the muzzle's ability to prevent 100 percent danger, because this is incorrect, and therefore you should maintain safe distances and social distance.

7- Moistening the muzzle:
You should gently sterilize the muzzle and avoid wet it, as this will produce bad results, and make it less effective at blocking viruses and bacteria.
8- Wearing the muzzle the wrong way:
Often the outer surface of the muzzle is colored or has its own label on it while the outer surface is white or like cotton.
9- Types of gags:
The 'N95' muzzle is intended for medical personnel, because it has greater protection and prevents 95 percent of viruses and bacteria, while other medical masks can be used to prevent mouth spray from flying and harm others if you are infected.
10- Take off the muzzle:
When you wear the muzzle for a long time and then mistakenly misuse it, it may put you at risk because it can be contaminated and it can transfer contaminants to your hands.
11- Gag Size:
The muzzle must be firm on your face that is not tight and not wide, in order to perform its role efficiently.
12- Washing the masks:
If you wear a cloth muzzle, the hot water and temperature inside the washing machine is enough to kill the bacteria, but you should dry them well after that.