3 natural recipes to get rid of blackheads with oily skin

Oats and almonds to treat blackheads:
A measure of oatmeal + grated almonds
Mix oatmeal with grated almonds to make a mask and scrub for the face, add a little bit of water to the mixture, then put on the face and leave to dry for 15 minutes, and while washing the face, rub it in a circular motion. This recipe is used 3 times a week. It helps get rid of blackheads within a month.
Lemon and eggs to treat blackheads:
The amount of lemon juice + egg white
Mix ingredients well and put on the face for 15 minutes and then rub the skin while washing it, and use this recipe 3 times a week.
The secret of white honey in treating blackheads:
Tablespoon of honey
Apply honey directly to the skin and leave it for 15 minutes to dry, then wash the face several times until the effect of honey is removed. Honey is one of the best home remedies because of its natural anti-bacterial properties. Prevents blackheads from turning into blisters