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8 amazing health benefits of eating celery daily

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8 amazing health benefits of eating celery daily

 8 amazing health benefits of eating celery daily

Celery is one of the most important healthy foods to eat daily, because it is high in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. It can be eaten raw or cooked, and it can also be added to vegetable juices, soups, salads, and many food recipes.

Here are the most amazing health benefits of celery, as reported by the 'Livehack' website, including:

1_ Reducing cholesterol and blood pressure: Celery helps reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, thanks to its containment of a substance called 'butylphthalide', which gives vegetables their distinct flavor and smell, and also helps improve blood circulation and reduce high blood pressure.

2_ Providing the body with the water it needs: Celery is very useful in hydrating the body and improving cell function, as it contains 95% of water. And celery can be mixed with coconut water to get a useful and nutritious drink.

3_ Rich in minerals: Celery contains high levels of iron, potassium, magnesium and sodium. Hence, it plays an important role in neutralizing the effects of acidic foods such as meat, dairy products, etc. Also, these minerals are essential for the functioning of many vital body organs and systems.

4_ Rich in chlorophyll: Chlorophyll helps to regenerate the blood, and contains anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory components, in addition to antioxidants.

5_ Helping to sleep: Since celery contains a high content of magnesium, it is recommended to add it to food dishes to calm nerves and sleep well.

6_ Enhance eyesight: A cup of chopped celery contains 10% of the body's daily need for vitamin A, which is one of the most important vital nutrients that support the health of the eyes.

7_ Diuresis: Celery works as an effective diuretic. It helps get rid of uric acid crystals, and helps treat arthritis and rid the body of toxins.

8_ Strengthening the immune and nervous systems: Celery plays an important role in supporting the immune system, because it contains vitamin C and other antioxidants. Regular consumption of celery reduces the risk of colds and other immune diseases, in addition to protecting brain cells and the nervous system from damage.

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