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A shocking American scientific study on the benefits of broccoli ... know it

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A shocking American scientific study on the benefits of broccoli ... know it

 A shocking American scientific study on the benefits of broccoli ... know it


Broccoli has very important body benefits and properties. And researchers from the University of Illinois point to the importance of broccoli in fighting cancer.

If you are looking for an excuse to add green to your plate, an American study confirms that eating broccoli three times a week reduces the risk of liver cancer.

And if studies have proven so far the benefits of green vegetables in fighting various types of cancer such as breast, prostate and colon cancer, this is the first time that their ability to fight liver cancer has been proven in a scientific study.

Researchers at the University of Illinois in America studied and explained the importance of this discovery, taking into account the high risk of liver cancer in obese people, as these are five times more likely than others to develop the disease than normal people, says Professor of Nutrition at the University of Illinois Elizabeth Jeffrey .

Amazing results in obese mice

The experiment in mice compared the effect of correct feeding, with or without broccoli, on obese and non-obese mice. The mice were fattened by subjecting them to a diet high in fats and sugars in advance.

The result was that the number of nodules increased dramatically in obese mice that did not eat broccoli. Conversely, their number decreased under the influence of fattening rodents' consumption of these vegetables. Broccoli did not help them lose weight, but it did contribute to a faster metabolism of fats in the liver and facilitated their excretion from the body.

Experts at the University of Illinois advise not to cook broccoli well, as prolonged cooking loses its properties, and the enzyme 'myrosinase' (the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory component) loses its effectiveness.

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