An amazing American study of cherry juice to lower blood pressure ... know it

Many suffer from the problem of high blood pressure, which causes serious diseases of the heart and arteries. But a new scientific study came to confirm that the phenolic acid contained in cherry juice is very effective in treating this condition.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, cherries help lower blood pressure. Cherries contain many phenolic acids that can improve the function of the lining of blood vessels (the ones that hold blood inside blood vessels) and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Researchers from Northumbria University in the United States conducted a study of 15 men, measuring their blood pressure. All participants showed signs of high blood pressure.
Half of the group drank cherry juice (60ml in 100ml of water). The second group drank fruit juice. Three hours later, the scientists measured the volunteers' blood pressure.
The results of this study showed that men who drank cherry juice reduced their blood pressure by about 7 percent after 3 hours of drinking the juice.
As a result, scientists announced that cherry juice reduces the risk of stroke by 38 percent and myocardial infarction by 23 percent.

'These effects are similar to those of antihypertensive drugs,' says Dr. Karen Kayani, lead author of the study.
Researchers attribute these health effects of cherry juice to its high content of many phenolic acids that fruits contain.
This new study shows the health benefits of cherries, a fruit known to reduce gout attacks, and act as a natural hypnotic as well.