So far, the causes of intestinal spasm and irritation or the so-called irritable bowel syndrome have not been found, and doctors say that sometimes the condition of an irritable bowel syndrome may improve if the patient makes some simple changes in diet and lifestyle, and although the body may not respond to These changes are immediate, but the main goal is to find long-term solutions, not temporary.
1-Relationship of Irritable Bowel Patients with Fiber:
When you have IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, fiber can be a blessing and a curse.
Although it helps reduce constipation, it can also aggravate gas and intestinal cramps. Therefore, the best approach is to gradually increase the amount of fiber in your diet over a period of weeks. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes are examples of foods high in fiber. If symptoms persist despite their use, do not hesitate to consult a doctor, and you can also consult a nutritionist.
2- Beware of eating these foods:
And some people limit the intake of fiber in the diets and prefer to take dietary supplements that contain more fiber, because they cause less gas and bloating, and if you take a nutritional supplement.
Drinking plenty of water daily to reduce gas, bloating and constipation. And if you find that eating fiber helps calm IBS and your IBS, use it regularly to get the best results.

There are foods that patients with irritable bowel syndrome should avoid, and these foods can include alcoholic beverages, chocolate and caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks, in addition to caffeine-containing drugs, dairy products, and sugar-free sweeteners, such as sorbitol or mannitol.
And of the foods that cause gas, which are considered one of the big problems for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which causes symptoms to worsen, these foods can include legumes, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Fatty foods can also be a troublesome problem for some people. In addition, chewing gum or drinking with a tube may cause you to swallow large amounts of air, which causes an increase in the amount of gas.
3- Maintain regular eating times:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) should keep eating meals around the same time every day, to help regulate bowel function. If you suffer from diarrhea, you may find that eating small meals makes you feel better, but if you suffer from constipation, eating more foods rich in fiber may help transport food through the intestine.
4- Beware when eating dairy products:
If you are lactose intolerant, try replacing the milk with yogurt, or use a product that contains enzymes that help digest lactose. Consuming small amounts of these products or combining them with other foods may also help with this problem.
However, in some cases you may need to stop eating
dairy products altogether. If this happens, be sure to get adequate protein, calcium and B vitamins from other sources.
5- Increase your fluid intake:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome should drink large amounts of fluids daily, and water is the best of them, while alcohol and caffeinated drinks can irritate the intestines, which leads to aggravating diarrhea, and soft drinks can cause stomach gases.
6- Maintain regular exercise:
Exercise helps relieve depression and stress, stimulates the natural contractions of the intestine, and it can help improve a person's general condition. And if you don't exercise, start slowly while gradually increasing the amount of time you spend exercising.
7.Do not take more anti-diarrheal medications:
If you have IBS and use over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medicines, use the lowest dose that can help treat your condition.
In the long term, these medications can cause problems if you don't use them properly, and the same is true for laxatives. If you have any questions about these medicines, consult your doctor or pharmacist.