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Types of menstruation retention symptoms, causes of each type, and how to treat it with herbs ... follow us

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Types of menstruation retention symptoms, causes of each type, and how to treat it with herbs ... follow us

Menstrual cycle, reasons for late menstrual cycle, menstrual symptoms, menstrual delay, menstrual retention, menstrual delay, delayed menstrual cycle, delayed menstrual cycle, late Symptoms of menstrual interruption, causes of pain, menstrual cycle.

Many women and girls suffer from menstrual retention, as their menstrual cycle is interrupted for 3 months or more without pregnancy or due to breastfeeding, or menopause, and this can be a dangerous symptom of brain imbalance or hormonal problems, so you should consult your doctor . Therefore, we will present to you the types of menstrual retention, the causes of its occurrence, the causes of the occurrence of menopause, how to recognize the symptoms of menstrual retention, and some herbs that treat menstrual retention, according to health and food experts.

1- Types of retention and its symptoms:

First: Symptoms of retention of the primary menstrual cycle:

1 - Pain in the head with headache continuously.


2- The occurrence of disturbances in blood pressure and its imbalance between high and sudden decrease, without causes.


3 - The spread of acne and pimples on the skin, thus representing an annoying problem for women because they spoil their appearance.


4- Increased male hormone testosterone, which negatively affects the growth of women's body hair in some areas and parts of the body.


5- Blurred vision.

Second: Symptoms of secondary menstrual retention:

1- The occurrence of an enlarged thyroid gland in the body.


2- Feeling vomiting and bouts of nausea.


3- Most of the time, a woman can suffer from ossification of the breasts.


4- Feeling of intense thirst and thirst most of the time.


5- Pigmentation of the basic skin color in a tan color that is darker than the color of the normal skin tone.

2- The reasons that lead to the necessity of treating menstrual retention:

Some negative habits causing this symptom can be changed before treating menstrual retention with herbs, such as obesity and weight gain, exaggerated stress and tension or even lethargy, laziness and lack of any effort in general.


1- It is considered normal if it is due to a genetic factor and there is a history of retention of the menstrual cycle in the family.


2- Menstrual retention can result from hereditary and chromosomal disorders.


3- If the ovaries did not develop normally, which may eventually lead to ovarian cancer.


4- Taking birth control pills or any other hormonal treatment that may cause menstruation.


5- Use of medications that relieve symptoms of PCOS.


6- Estrogen replacement therapy, which may increase the risk of uterine cancer.


7- Removal of uterine scarring by surgical procedures or removal of the pituitary tumor using drugs, surgery, or even radiotherapy.

3- How to treat menstrual retention with natural herbs:

After we cried some important information on the topic of symptoms, causes and types of menstruation retention, and now we will introduce you to the 4 most important natural herbs and are considered one of the most useful drinks during the menstrual cycle in treating menstrual pain and help relax the pelvic and uterine muscles and relieve nervous tension During the menstrual cycle.

1- Celery:

Celery is a type of plant that works to regulate menstrual hormones in the body because it contains chemical compounds that increase blood flow, such as butyl compound, and it is considered a natural type of treatment for menstrual retention with herbs, as well as relieves menstrual pain and reduces spasms of the pelvic muscles, uterus and ovaries.


2- Sage:

As for sage, it is among the list of natural herbs that contribute to having a regular menstrual cycle on time and is considered among the treatment of menstrual retention with herbs as it prevents menstruation and supports the nervous system as well as combating psychological and nervous disorders responsible for menopause, because it affects the hormonal system In the body.



Cinnamon greatly helps menstruation and reduces muscle cramps and cramps caused by menstrual blood, and one of the most important types of treatment for menstrual retention with herbs is because it helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and affects global warming in the body, in addition to that cinnamon protects the hormone prolactin in the blood responsible for interruption of the menstrual cycle .

4- turmeric:

Turmeric is a natural plant that helps and supports in the treatment of menstrual retention, as it reduces blood retention in the body that causes pain in the sides and lower abdomen with some cramps in the lower back, it helps in the flow of menstrual blood outside the body and gives a sense of comfort, and turmeric can be mixed with ginger herbs and its sweetener White honey bee for more benefit.

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