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Iraqi kebabs

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Iraqi kebabs


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Iraqi cuisine is famous for its wonderful and delicious kebab recipes, try it with the easiest way to work and taste wonderful and distinctive


Onions: 1 piece (cut into quarters)

Celery: half a bunch

Minced meat: kilo (finely chopped)

Salt: 2 tsp

Black pepper: 1 teaspoon (ground)

Flour: 2 tbsp

:How to prepare

In a food processor, place chopped onions and celery and chop them until you get a smooth mixture.

Drain the onion and celery mixture in a colander and squeeze it with your hands to get rid of as much liquid as possible, then put it in a bowl. Increase the meat and mix the ingredients until they overlap.

Season with salt and black pepper, then add the flour and stir with your hands until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

Moisten your hands with a little water, then shape the marinated meat into finger shape around the grill skewers and grill over the charcoal.

Leave it until it's cooked, then serve hot.

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