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How to work Qatayef at home from A to Z

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How to work Qatayef at home from A to Z


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It is one of the most beloved oriental sweets, and today we will introduce you to the method of making qatayef from A to Z at home The topic is very easy and the taste is rigid and it is necessary to try it in Ramadan


3 cups flour

Half a cup of fine semolina

Big hanging baking powder

Small suspended yeast

2 tablespoons of sugar

3 cups and half water

Sprinkle salt

frying oil

Heavy sorbet: -

2 cups sugar

2 cups of water

Large hanging lemon juice

Sprinkle with vanilla

Filling: -

A cup of coconut

Hanging big cinnamon

2 cups mixed nuts

Half a cup of honey

How to prepare :-

In the blender we will add the ingredients of the mixture of flour qatayef, semolina, water, baking powder, yeast, sugar, water and salt, and run the mixer for five minutes or with a wire whisk. Cinnamon gives a distinctive taste and roast honey or syrup, and we start to stuff the qatayef and close it in a cup, and then we fry it in hot oil and be prepared with sherbet and put the qatayef in it.

Ramadan Mubarak...

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