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Discover the effect of drinking coffee without sugar in the morning

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Discover the effect of drinking coffee without sugar in the morning

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Many like to drink coffee in the morning to help him feel active and prepare for a long day, but what happens to your body when eating coffee without sugar. Know with us in this article to the benefits of drinking coffee without sugar in the long run.

Benefits of drinking coffee without sugar:

Black coffee is simply the coffee that is usually prepared without adding any additions such as sugar, milk, cream or added flavors. One of the benefits of eating coffee without sugar for your body:

1- Coffee without sugar to lose weight

If you want to lose weight for aesthetic or healthy reasons, black coffee without sugar will be within your diet, for several reasons: Black coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which helps to slow the production of glucose and fat cells in the body. Black coffee contains antioxidants that help in losing weight. Coffee -rich coffee helps stimulate metabolic activity and increase your energy level. Coffee does not contain fats, cholesterol, or calories, and this means that you will not be given any weight by drinking black coffee daily. Coffee reduces the water content in the body as a result of frequent urination, which helps temporarily lose weight.

2- Productivity and mood improvement

Black coffee stimulates the nervous system, which enhances the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and lightinin, which makes you feel happy and positive. Caffeine also increases brain excitement and improving mood and thus raising productivity and energy.

3- It works as an antidepressant

The effect of antidepressant coffee stems from its ability to increase the amount of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, thus resisting symptoms of depression such as sadness. Coffee without sugar also contains chlorogenic acid, fibroolic acid and caffeine acid, all of whom work to reduce neurofitis that occurs in the brains of people with depression and calms the discomfort and associated distress.

4- Improving cardiovascular health

Studies have shown that drinking a cup or two cups of black coffee without sugar per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

5- Raise the memory level

Your cognitive skills may be affected as you age, and you can be at risk of Alzheimer's, dementia and Parkinson's diseases. But when you eat coffee without sugar regularly, it helps you to fight these diseases by enhancing brain function and stimulating brain cells.

6- Coffee without sugar is useful for the liver

Studies have shown that eating black coffee regularly reduces the level of harmful liver enzymes present in the blood, as coffee without sugar prevents many liver problems such as cancer, fatty liver, hepatitis, and hepatic fibrosis.

7- Cleaning the intestine and colon

The more you drink coffee without sugar, the greater the number of urination and the expulsion of toxins and bacteria from the body, which leads to cleaning your stomach and gets rid of rumen and gases.

8- Prevention of the risk of cancer

Non -sugar coffee contains anti -inflammatory, which prevents the development of tumors. Studies have shown that regular consumption of black coffee may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, the most important of which are liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectum cancer.

9- Reducing cellulite

The caffeine in coffee when consumed expands the blood vessels, which reduces the formation of fat deposits in specific areas of the body.

10- Reduced risk of gout

Studies have found that people who drink black coffee every day have a 57 % lower risk of gout, and the cause is due to the coffee content of caffeine and polyphenols; Caffeine prevents the accumulation of uric acid around the body's tissues, while polyphenols help reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

Increased insulin sensitivity and low insulin levels improve the disposal of uric acid and sodium. Thus, it indirectly removes uric acid from the body, which contributes to a decrease in the risk of gout.

11- Preventing type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is one of those problems that arise from cardiovascular problems, and type 2 diabetes is associated with the inability of the body to control the levels of sugar and insulin in the blood. A Harvard University study showed that coffee without sugar coffee has a 11 % lower chance for type 2 diabetes.

The nutritional value of coffee without sugar:

Black coffee without sugar contains strong antioxidants such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin B group, as well as its high content of antioxidants.

A cup of black coffee comes without any additions without calories, fats or cholesterol, as calories in black coffee are very low, making it an ideal drink for those looking for a daily drink that does not harm their health.

Drinking coffee without sugar on the body

Despite the benefits of coffee without sugar, excessive consumption leads to side effects, including:

1- Coffee release high levels of stress hormones in the body, which leads to anxiety and stress.

2- It spoils the excessive coffee from your sleep rhythm and the number of hours, so it is recommended to avoid coffee a few hours before bedtime if you want to get a good sleep during the night.

3- Excess consumption of coffee leads to stomach acidity, which causes stomach cramps.

4- Eating a lot of coffee in your diet is difficult for your body to absorb minerals from your daily diet, such as iron, calcium and zinc.

How to sweeten coffee without sugar

If you like your drink to be the most sweet, but you do not want to use white sugar, learn how to sweeten coffee without sugar

1- Put a little aloe vera juice; It has a light flavor and its taste is sweeter than white sugar, and does not affect the blood sugar indicator.

2- Add a little butter; It gives a moderate sweet taste to coffee.

3- Try cinnamon to sweeten coffee; As cinnamon sticks or ground cinnamon gives a warm and hot flavor to the cup of coffee, which reduces the gallbladder and makes its taste sweeter without adding any sugar.

4- Add cocoa powder; A small amount of cocoa powder makes your cup of coffee more moderate, such as sugar -free mocha.

5- Add coconut sugar; To sweeten the coffee without the blood sugar level affected. You can also try sebum coconut products such as coconut cream, coconut milk and coconut oil can make the taste of coffee smoother and more moderate.

6- Put Stevia instead of white sugar; Stevia has a unique flavor and a bitter taste sometimes, and it is very low in calories although its sweetness is higher than white sugar.

7- Try vanilla extract; Vanilla extract can add a warm flavor that resembles caramel to a cup of coffee, which reduces the gallbladder and gives coffee a sweet taste without any sugar.

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